stumped on red slime...little confused


ok i just tested my 92 g tank after a 20% water change yesterday this is what i got out of the 2 kits i used (seachem and api). and after siphoning out 80-90% of the red slime
kh/dkh 12/214
alk: normal according to the kit
temp: 79-80 f
now i know the slime comes from extra nutrients in the water like food and additives. i noticed the slime after i used seachem's fuel to get my zoa's to spread a lil bit being they are the same size and quantity from a yr and a half ago. i stopped using the fuel bout 3-4 weeks ago. i feed once every other day.
fish in tank:
1 yellow tang
1 lawnmower blenny
2 sebae clowns
4 blue chromis
1 cleaner shrimp
5-6 emerald crabs
1 coral banded shrimp
30-40 hermits and snails combined
2 sallylight foot crabs
corals in tank:
open brain coral
candy cane corals
montipora capri (which had the slime on 1/3 of it and has turned white (i guess it is either dying or just bleached and may come back)
green star polyps
yellow gorgonian
any help would be greatly appreciated on how to get this stuff out without me using the red slime remover from ultralife
colt coral


and i also for got to add that i run my lights like this
actinic compact fluorescent lights (96 watt 34 inch) they are on at 9am till 8pm
and my 10,000k hqi's 250 watts they are on from 11am-5pm
and my moon lights are from 8pm to 12p

bang guy

Does the footprint of the slime decrease overnight? Does it produce bubbles when all the lights are on?
Is it more of a mat or more like stringy slime?


it seems to go away or its not as visible at night...yes there are bubbles on it...not really a mat i guess...but its stringy as hell...i can see it swaying in the current...i have 2 #4 koralias in there...i had one but just added another one to make it the second 2 weeks ago


i had the same problem for like a month so i tryed the chem clean and it work for about a week, so i did 10 gal a week water chage(80 gal) and added a 20 gallon sump with a refugium and with in a week or so it was all gone even the alage on the back of the tank glass went away. I also made a DIY phosphate reactor. The sump was the best thing i ever did it makes it some much easier to do the water changes ...i just syphon the water out of the sump and the replace it!


ya i forgot to mention i do have a 30 gal refuge under my tank...with a protein skimmer, chaeto, sand, red kelp, that i run 24/7 t-5 light for the know like i said i had no phos or thats why im coming back to you guys for answers...i know i banged up by using the "fuel" by seachem and it was the first time i have ever dosed my tank with out being able to test the parameters of the product...even tho my corals do look better...i think i'll stay away from it and just do the water change and thats it


Active Member
I second a refugium and more flow. A local buddy of mine is going through the exact same thing and where it is growing the flow is virtually non-existant. I gave him some chaeto to start a refugium so hopefully that will help. Keep update on it please. Interested to see what happens.


i have to #4 koralia's in there already...they give off about 1200 gph per power my return line from the refuge is a mag 7 which pumps 700 with a 92 g tank and 3100 gph that is almost 33x's the flow/turn over in my tank


Active Member
it will take a while to remove all the nutrients with waterchanges. just be patient. i think you are doing all you can. don't go the chemical route.


Active Member
had red slime problem about 2 months ago...not to proud of it but i took the chemical route. did it as a last resort.. it worked out well for slime completly gone in two days..did not effect anything else...


Active Member
Originally Posted by dstyling
so do i have a good chance with the monti surviving being that it was covered with the slime?
most of my zoa were covered in red slime for almost three weeks and they made it throught just maybe the montis will be okay..


Active Member
i have some cyano in my tank right now still left over from the power outtage. it doesn't cover any living corals. i can't help but question the health of those corals that the cyano covered in the first place.


well it had been growing in the middle of the green star polyps, in between my xenia and a lil around my maze coral..but i siphoned it all off them...i've had them now for almost 6 months...seem to be doing good so far