Stupid Condy or Stupid Owner?


New Member
My Condy was on the move the other night and got itself sucked into the powerhead. I found it the next morning about half in and half out of the input for the pwrhd I unplugged it and through the course of the next two days the Condy slowly extracted itself. But the pwrhd claimed about half of the Condy tendrils. Whats left looks like an abortion that lived.
My question is will it recover and regrow missing tendrils, and anything I can do to prevent re-occurance?


Sorry... I know you are looking for advice... But wanted to tell you...
Your discription gave me a mental picture that made me laugh out loud (at work). But I also felt the pain that you must have felt as well... I hate it when stuff like that happens.


New Member
A foam filter, never would have thought of that. Thanks! (Guess that answers the first question, stupid Condy, or stupid owner.)