Stupid Fish!!!



Me and my wife were at the LFS when she saw a beautifu blood fire shrimp, we watched it for a while and decided to buy it. She was so excited, and had it names by the time we were in the car. So i get home, aclimate it for about 2 hours, and put him in my tank. I was so excited, he was so pretty. So i went into the room to get my wife to show her her new shrimp and when i came back my royal dottyback was dancing around the shrimp. She had taked a huge chunk out of the side of the shrimp!!!!! It was on its side by the time i got into the tank to shoo her away. The shrimp kicked for a few seconds and then just layed there. So mywife is horrified as am i that we were so excited about getting a new shrimp, and my dottyback had a 29.99$ meal!!!!!!! I am so angry at that stupid fish........And i cant get a refund because it was my fish's fault, not a bad shrimp. So thats money down the drain.
Just wanted to vent......


I had a $19.99 spotted hawk, which is supposed to be reef safe, eat two very large cleaners and a fire shrimp in one day! I caught him with the antennae hanging out of his mouth!!!! $70.00 worth of shrimp GONE.
You just never know who will eat what in the fish world.


The shrimp was as big as the fish. I guess thats just animals. It wouldnt be any fun if they were " tame" i guess, so ill definitely buy different inverts, or stuff her full of mysis before i add anything! these stories make me feel better. Im laughing about the thought of her dancing around him trying to bite him now, but was pretty freustrated earlier.


Active Member
I am sorry to hear about your shrimp.
You may want to stay away from any more shrimp as I just read this about them.
The Bicolor Pseudochromis (also known as the Royal Dottyback) is bright purple in front, the rear half is yellow. Pseudochromis (also known as dottybacks) are among the hardiest fish available and are very easy to maintain. This little beauty can be aggressive toward other fish small mild mannered species, especially in the restricted confines of a smaller tank. Provide with plenty of suitable hiding places. Will eat very small shrimps (e.g., anemone shrimps) Provide a varied diet including meaty foods such as mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, finely chopped seafoods and frozen preparations.


My purple did the same thing to a peppermint. Shrimp was around for awhile but the purple was alway hovering right near him waiting for the right time I guess. If you look into your psuedo's mouth you;ll see some knarly little teeth. Mine is 3 years old now and has some real nasty choppers.