stupid hermit crab


most of the time we suggest 1.025-1.026 with corals and inverts. but with just a lonely hermit they are tuff little buggers. I would raise it alittle bit like said to about 1.023 just because its closer to natural. You are going to need larger than notmal shells might have to look towards a hobby shop and boil and clean them real good or check with the LFS they may be able to get a few if they dont have any/


Originally Posted by j-j_02
well it would bother anybody. its annoying. it makes the water very cloudy.
That crab is not causing water issues at all. It is all part of the tank being new.


ok thanx alot guys, and yes my tank did cycle. how would i raise the salinity? wen i do a water change or jus pour in sum salt to the tank, i know its a dumb question but hey...u guys might have sum kinda trick or sumthing


I have to disagree sep I do see the other problem with the nitrites but I also see a large hermit that will scrape and scratch into the rocks causeing it to cloud also. I beleive its probably a one to wammy though with the nitrites and the hermit.


just add alittle more salt to the water change and add it slowly when you do your change.
as far as will this hermit bother the other snails and crabs I would have to say Yeah it will. they are preditors and scavengers so a snail and crab would be a tasty treat for it.


Originally Posted by j-j_02
ok thanx alot guys, and yes my tank did cycle. how would i raise the salinity? wen i do a water change or jus pour in sum salt to the tank, i know its a dumb question but hey...u guys might have sum kinda trick or sumthing

I am guesing that it did not cycle all of the way if you have nitrites at 3. That is toxic which is probably why the crab is scratching so much. Wait until your nitrite is zero before you add anything else. You should be doing water changes anyway right now. Make your water up at 1.026 for changes. You do know that you have to mix your water with a powerhead for 24-48hrs before you add it to your tank right?


Active Member
Originally Posted by j-j_02
ok thanx alot guys, and yes my tank did cycle. how would i raise the salinity? wen i do a water change or jus pour in sum salt to the tank, i know its a dumb question but hey...u guys might have sum kinda trick or sumthing

You can also do your top off with saltwater insted of fresh, with salinity at desired reading. do it slow. I would go ahead and take the hermit back to the lfs and wait until you dt is stable. then get a new cuc. Go for little hermits and snails, but wait until your nitrites are 0 and when nitrates raise do water change. Then ghost feed and make sure it stays stable for a couple of days ghost feeding before adding livestock this time.
Good luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by j-j_02
ya i know i gotta use a powerhead. i got three damsels and one clown that i introd yesterday.
This may be a problem. The nitrites are toxic to the fish. Take a sample to your lfs in the am and get them to double check your readings. Get the actual numbers from them and don't them them say just it's ok. Maybe you'll luck out and it is a false reading. If not your fish could die or be damaged. Do a big water change. Don't add anything else for a while and let your tank adjust to your bioload. It is best to add one fish every few weeks to give your natural biofiltration time to adjust. Just go slow.


Active Member
sep, the trites are at .3, not 3.
i'm wondering why no one thought to ask if the hermit is just brushing off silt that may have settled on the rock from when the sand was put in... it's probably hungry, give it some shrimp, clam, algae, etc.
as for the shells, that thing is huge. you may want to go to ***** get the shells they have for the pet hermits, but don't get painted ones. also, you could go to michael's craft store and get shells there. just boil for a long while, most of the time those shells have a gloss to them which isn't relaly good for the tank.


Active Member
If your tank is still cycling, which i believe it is, then you may lose your fish. The tank is cloudy because it is new, not because of your hermit crab. How long have you had the tank setup?
You raise the salinity of your tank by doing water changes (about 10%). You mix salt and Ro/Di water for about 24 hours with a powerhead. Make the water your are going to do the water change with have a higher salt level then your tank. Since you have your tank at 1.021 right now, make the water that you are going to do the change with around 1.026. Repeat this step every few days until your salinity is where you would like it.
What are you measuring your salinity with? Hydrometer? Try to buy a refractometer - they are much more accurate.
Good luck, keep asking questions and don't add anything else to that tank until it becomes more stable.


Originally Posted by renogaw
sep, the trites are at .3, not 3.
i'm wondering why no one thought to ask if the hermit is just brushing off silt that may have settled on the rock from when the sand was put in... it's probably hungry, give it some shrimp, clam, algae, etc.
as for the shells, that thing is huge. you may want to go to ***** get the shells they have for the pet hermits, but don't get painted ones. also, you could go to michael's craft store and get shells there. just boil for a long while, most of the time those shells have a gloss to them which isn't relaly good for the tank.
LOL I did that was my first though was that huge hermit crab is stirring up the sand and making new sand.