Stupid Question on Tank size


Ok.. stupid question time :) When they say a tank is 100g for example, is that based on the OUTSIDE dimensions or the inside? My tank is easily 100g on the outside (60"x22"x18").. however due to the thickness of the glass its NOT 100g when measured on the inside. Is this normal? The main reason i guess im asking is so when i mix my water i dont get it all FUBARed. By the inside dimensions it will hold about 93g or so.
On a side note.. would a 15g refugium be sufficent for a tank of this size?? It will definitely have about 6" of live sand in it.. with the display tank having somewhere between 3 and 4 ".
Thanks for all the help so far. I had a salt water tank before, but this time i wanna do things the right way.


Active Member
Another thing to take into account is how much stuff you put into the tank. Lets say you add about a 100 lbs. of LR, and a 100 lbs. of LS. Your tank will no longer hold 93g of water. I do beleive that when tank manufacturers determine the number of gallons that they do measure the outside of the tank, and don't take into account the size of the glass.
As far as the refugium goes I would get as large of a refugium as you can.


Whats the best way to figure out volume? i plan to buy a RO/DI unit for the purpose of filling this tank. Should i just fill up 5 gallon jugs and count how much i add as i fill the tank, sump, refugium etc??
LIke i said.. this time i wanna do things right. Only thing left alive in my last tank( ex-wife now has it) is the snowflake eel. hes doing great, but i want more than just a HARDY eel in this tank.


A little off your topic, but you need a better lawyer.:) Your ex got the tank in the process, that's gotta hurt. :(
At least my ex nor my present wife have either gotten into the hobby. Well, unless you count the question of "How much did that cost" then they want to get involved.
I would use the a 5 gallon bucket and fill if you really want to know. To much fluctuation considering everything inside (rock, sand, etc.). As far as water changes go I use the 5 gallon bucket and fill my trash can with it (usually about 10 gallons every two weeks for my 75 gallon) to make the mix. Then I take out exactly the same amount before refilling. Hope this helps out.


I wish i got the tank.. but since she got the 58, i can get my 100 :). As far as my current g/f shes great. Shes as hooked as I am and is dying to get a porcupine puffer. She already has 3 tanks, all the freshwater ones are hers. And her Target Puffer is her baby. I have NEVER seen such an aggressive lil bugger that wasnt an African Cichlid before.
That was more or less how i did water changes before. Count how many 5 gallon buckets i pull out and add the same. I was hoping there might be an easier method during the initial fillup.. but thats okie. Ill just do it this way i guess. Thanks!


Active Member
My first tank was a 60 gallon. I got it home and my dad used to be big into tanks measured my tank and said that it was a 53 gallon tank outside measurments. I went back to the store and threw a fit. I was so ticked off because after buying everything for a 60 gallon vise a 50 gallon I spent quite abit more. I was told that that was just how it goes. I stood there and yelled and after one or two custumers heard me the guy gave me a refund. I went to the store in the next town and the owner measured the tank and called the company and talked to the company owner who had no clue that the measurments was off and sent me a true 60 gallon for the same price. Now I want a 135 instead of a 125 because a 125 only holds 112 outside measurments and I just can't do it. OKAY I AM DONE VENTING. Why did you bring up such a sore subject you evil, evil person:D


EEEP! ;) Didnt mean to touch a nerve there. if it makes you feel any better my tank is lying all over my bedroom right now as my girlfriend stains the stand and i collect the pieces. I am hoping by midsummer or so ill actually have fish in my fishtank :D


Dang Hip, you definately need to write a book. First by loosing the first tank you were able to upgrade. Your new girlfriend is into the hobby also, and best of all you have her staining the tank. You are a men among men! :cool:


Shes a keeper :) Shes a programmer so she thinks in a VERY logical rational manner which is great. She loves beer and pizza, football and hockey, computer games, cars, etc. and it was HER idea to stain. I just wanted to start slappin stuff in the tank and stop the torture of the empty tank in the bedroom :)


Sound like a good woman. From one fellow programmer to another tell her congrats on the new hobby. Keeps me from pulling my hair out when I get home at times.