Stupid Question....


how do u get a fish to grow fast? i have a tomato clown and it really hasn't grown any, and i am sorta wanting it to grow b/c they can grown up to 4" and its only around 2" and i saw a full grown at a LFS and it was awesome. i am just wondering what would make her grow faster? more feedings? or can u even make them grow fast at all?:confused:


:happyfish I know that feeding fresh foods rather than frozen cubes or flake, makes them grow faster. I feed mine fresh squid bits, shrimp bits, and formula 1 and 2. Clowns do take years to get to full size, so if you want her to become huge in a year, it aint gonna happen. You don't really want a huge one anyways, they all get pretty nasty when they get big (from my experience). So just enjoy for now. Good luck, ali


My clarkii is getting pretty big and he is mean as you know what. He takes small chunks out of my hand when I get in the tank to do anything. Alison is right IME, enjoy em young


Generally clownfishes do not grow much in captivity even under the best conditions (except in a very large tank). No need to worry! It's not that you're doing anything wrong. It's just the way they are. The one that you saw at LFS is probably wild-caught. Is there any other reason that you want your tomato to grow fast besides looking awesome? The only solution is to have a big wild-caught specimen to start with.