Stupid question?


I've been in the hobby for a few months now. I have jbj 24dx that is doing fantastic. Now for my problem. I'm ADDICTED!!!!! I have a 55 gal that I want to start slowly, just to cure rock. I have the desire to get things rolling now. My 24 was easy because it came with the filtration and lighting (which is being upgraded ) The 55, I want to start curing live rock to begin a 125+ tank. What is the cheapest way to begin. I have lots of time! I know that I spent a TON of money on LR in my 24. 30+lbs - 9dollars #. I don't want to seem stupid but what type of lighting would be appropriate to cure the rock. How long do I keep the lights on? and can I add rock let's say every couple of weeks? Like I said, I have nothing but time because I'm going to be moving in the coming months and won't start the large tank until then. Thanks for any input


NOt a stupid question at all... you dont really need lighting for your rock... i've seen some LFS who just throw them in the tank. Just be sure you have some type of waterflow for water circulation. Also, if your going to be upgrading to a 125, instead of curing the LR in the 55gal tank, you should just get like a 30 gal trash can and cure the rock in there... I've seen a lot of people on here post that.
Another question, the LR you buy is pretty expensive, and while looking at your post, it must be uncured.
I got my rock - my LFS for $3.49 an lb. if you buy more than 30lbs.


I took my time and bought it a little at a time. I believe the rock was cured when I got it. but by the time I added all of my fish I'm sure it was cured judging the ammonia readings were 0. I was going to start a quarentine tank but never got it going, so the rock that was in there ended up in my small tank. I have read so many different theories as to the curing of rock that I get confused!


yeah there are a lot pf ways to cure rock... if you want to do it the long way you can put new rock in your new tank and let it cure that way... that can take up to a month or two. otherwise you can just precure the rock, untill you get your tank and then you wont have to wait and everything will be ready.


I was also told that if you add rock to your tank that is live but not properly cured that it will cause your tank to start to cycle again. I'm just looking to have all of my rock ready when I'm moved and ready to set up the large tank.