stupid question


New Member
This is probably a stupid question but can you put a coral beauty with coral because when you buy them online they say reef safe. Also NEED some help picking some cool fish to add to a coral tank. Thanks


Active Member
All angels run the risk of eating coral; in the wild larger angels actually eat SPS regularly. Dwarf angels are a bit better, and as alix said, it's hit or miss. For everyone that says their coral beauty does great, there's another who's looking to find theirs a new home because it ate their prized acro.


Active Member
With a 24g you really shouldn't have a dwarf angel like the coral beauty. The only one I can think of that might fit is a type of pygmy angel like a cherub.
Some fish that do great in that size are firefish, gobies, some small wrasses (sixlines are great), blennies, clowns, and chromis.


Active Member
I have had a couple Coral Beauties in the past and never noticed any problem with them niping corals. I do feed fish daily though.