stupid question


ok i know a lot of fish you can't keep more then 1 in a tank unless its a mated pair
but when i go to pet shops they will have like 15 clowns in the same tank and it says right one the tag only 1 per tank i always lol but at the same time wounder how they do that with out them fighting in them small tanks.
is it because none of them been in the tank long enough to be the dominant one?

brad pitt

i think because none of the clowns have been in a tank with out any other clowns so there used to it. this is very good when it is like this. because in percula clowns there will be a (queen) only one female and she will be bigger and tuffer than the rest. if u get that female and another one of the smaller ones (male) u have a very high chance that they will mate up together. i dont know about maroon clowns and tomato (my fav) but clarkii and percula are like that. thats how i got my mated pair of perculas =]


sorta right but there is another reason. in large groups the aggression is spread out so instead of one fish getting pulveized its not as noticeable because its spread amongst them all. They also sell them rather quickly so they arent inthere all together for a super long period of time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by brad pitt
i think because none of the clowns have been in a tank with out any other clowns so there used to it. this is very good when it is like this. because in percula clowns there will be a (queen) only one female and she will be bigger and tuffer than the rest. if u get that female and another one of the smaller ones (male) u have a very high chance that they will mate up together. i dont know about maroon clowns and tomato (my fav) but clarkii and percula are like that. thats how i got my mated pair of perculas =]
Believe me...maroon clowns are the same way. I have a mated pair of misbar maroons, but they (rather she...) WILL NOT allow any other clown to enter the tank. I have tried with no success.

nano reefer

Active Member
the reason you wll want only 1 per tank is due to the violence that under goes during the gender change. They fight for the right to be female. The larger the size difference, the less violence. Having one that's already a female suddenly be smaller will be the most violent. If you can get a large female and a small male, you will be fine.


Active Member

Originally Posted by MichaelTX
sorta right but there is another reason. in large groups the aggression is spread out so instead of one fish getting pulveized its not as noticeable because its spread amongst them all. They also sell them rather quickly so they arent inthere all together for a super long period of time.