Stupid Questions!!!


Yeah!! we have a spokes person for the little guy.......YAHOO!!
Now if somone (who will be named nameless) has to ask what size her tank is because she thought it was a 75 but it turned out to be a 55 couldn't get the help she needed from the board without feeling like a total ding dong. Then were else will she get the answers. NOT from the LFS. So thank you to the people that "STILL" answers the stupid questions........Shame shame shame on the people that passes up the stupid questions because there stupid and they have answered it a million times before or maybe they think it's beneath them....
Now if you will excuse ALL of my bad spelling I have to go potty........
This is what happens when a pregnant woman gets all wound up.............:jumping: :D
P.S.......Just for those people that think I was talking about them in the nameless part..........I wasn't.....................I was talking about .........ME..:D



Originally posted by Tizzo
You know what??? Now that I reflect, I saw this post before and didn't open it because of it's title. And I think subliminally that is why I named mine what I did!! HAAA That's too funny!

:) Admitting you have a prob is the first step.......I think let me get my book........J/K
(as mommies we don't get much reflect time if we did MAN would we be in for it...... That's what the late nights when you can't sleep are for when your mind just keeps on going.........and going.............and going.........)


We are all in this hobby together. It doesn't matter how long you've been at it , you can always learn more. I have kept fish for years, freshwater mostly, but for the past year & 1/2 I've had a saltwater tank. I have kept it going with advice from my lfs and books. This site that I found just a few months ago has been a Godsend! If I have a dumb question, I'm gonna ask it. If I get some good advice I'm that much more ahead.
I teach alot of newbie EMT's each year, the 1st thing I tell them is "there is no such thing as a stupid question, if you have a ? ask it, because someday you may be taking care of me or my family and I want you to know what your doing!"
just my opinion, Kris


Active Member
hey its great that someone finally said somethin ive wanted to also with some of the rude things ive seen bein said to people im just a begginer to and rather than lookin things up with google or whatever i use this site cause i always get some kinda answer but it sux when u dont get enough info so u post anoother thats basically the same to get a little more info and people get mad sayin that you need to listen to them the first time and if u dont you shouldnt post here i think if u have somethin like that to say dont say it at all this sites supposed to help and when you say that it doesnt so


Just for future reference, when someone is advised to search a topic they are not suggesting a google search, they are suggesting the search bar at the bottum of each forum. Hundreds of people are going to start this hobby every day, and the same questions will be asked over and over, and there will always be someone who just experienced those circumstances in question, so they can now answer them. What seems to be frustrating is when it is the SAME PERSON asking the SAME QUESTIONS. They ask the same question in all the different forums and word it slightly different hoping (I guess) to get the answer that they wanna hear. Or they think there circumstances are different and that they're (we'll say) sailfin tang is perfectly happy in their nano tank.
:joy: :joy:


:jumping: Hey! Lets add to this thread a great big thanks to all those that answer the stupid ?s! We really appreciate the advice, and maybe if we survive in this hobby long enough, we can return the favor by helping the future newbies.
:cheer: THANKS :cheer:


Active Member
i agree and thanx to all the people who have helped me get started ive been taking all the advice i get on this site and it has been EXTREMLY helpful and without it i would right now have a tank that is way overstocked with fish and anemones and corals and i woulda gotten sea horses which im glad i didnt do so thanx for all the help its been extremly nice to have this site
Thanx a ton


I agree with Tizzo. And I usually only answer the stupid questions, because those are the only ones I know the answer to.....
Just kidding, just kidding.:D