Stupid Questions


I have a new 10G tank with 10lbs of live sand, and a biowheel filter. The fish (2 small Clowns) have been in for just over a week. I'm starting to see an ammonia and nitrite spike. PH is about 8.3 and nitrate is just about 0. I understand the cycle and what is going to happen. However, I picked up a bottle of something called Am-Quel+ which is supposed to get rid of Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate. Now I can finally get to the point! Has anyone ever used this product, and will it mess up the tank cycle if I use it before the tank is done cycling? Also, will this affect my PH?


First of welcome!!

Next, Bring back the clowns, or they will die in less than 10 days.(my prediction, any takers?)
The Tank needs to completely cylcle before you start adding fish. 4-6 weeks. if you dont do this you are setting yourself up for much heartache. Especially with a small tank.
Amquel, and all other additives should not be used to cycle a tank, you need to let it happen naturally for the best results. You have 0 nitrates righ tnow because the cylce has not completed.
Take some time, look around the forums, and read up on what you should be doing to get the tank ready for its occupants.


Thanks for the info. How much is too much when it comes to Ammonia and Nitrite. I realize that 0 is best, but what can it go up to before death is imminent? Would you recommend that I use the Amquel to at least save the fish if the readings get too high? I lied to you, sorry. I just looked at the calendar and they have been it there for two weeks, time flies!!! I had the tank running for about a week before I added them. Sorry for the confusion.


Am-quel is advertised to take of ammonia too, it just forms a complex with the ammonia to make it less toxic, and you need the ammonia in is unaltered form to "feed" the bacteria you will need to "cure" your tank.
I think this short-cut will not give the tank you want in the long run!
Your live sand may have shortened your cycling.


This is something new its called Amquel Plus.
Thanks for the advice. At what levels should I really start to be concerened?


As jedi said earlier take the clowns back to the LFS and let your tank cycle with just the LR and LS. First you will see ann amonia spike then nirtite then nitrate when you have 0 amm and 0 nitrite then I would add some fish. Take things slow. When I first started I added two many fish in the beggining all but one died. This is just my opinion.


by the way I would not add amquel into your tank directly I would add it however when you do water changes and only if you use tap water


Amquel plus will detoxify amonia, however in doing so it will alter the chemical make up and not be beneficial to the cycling of the tank. And your test kit will still "read" the ammonia level.
I know first hand how hard it can be to be patient. You have entered into a hobby that actually DEMANDS patience.
IMO, i would return the fish, and work on getting LR stacked and looking like you like. Then after the cycle is complete, and you have NOT added any additives, I would then ad a fish, or 2 remember that each fish will add to the bioload so you want to add 1 at a time, and with a ten gallon tank, you should definatley only add 1 at a time..
You are on the right track by looking for info and advice.
I will add this little bit of advice... dont listen to your LFS people. They do not give a $*it about you or the fish. they want the $$$. Most have no clue about Salt water tanks.



Thanks again for the advice. I have a 4 y/o that does nto want to hear that he has to wait 8 weeks to find Nemo, thanks Disney :) The test kit I have is the correct type acording to the amquel bottle to be able to read the correct ammonia level even after the amquel is added. Apprently there are two differernt type of ammonia tests. I will keep my fingers crossed.
Thanks again,

who dey

Active Member
nemo funeral ahead!!! must be patient in this hobby!!!!
if you want a cycle fish get a $5 damsel thats about all they are good for. take it back after the cycle and get nemo. no additives their just a waste of $ IMO e



Originally posted by wilks18702
I have a 4 y/o that does nto want to hear that he has to wait 8 weeks to find Nemo, thanks Disney :) The test kit I have is the correct type acording to the amquel bottle to be able to read the correct ammonia level even after the amquel is added. Apprently there are two differernt type of ammonia tests.
Thanks again,

Well I guess your child will have fun finding NEMO over and over again at the fish store.(at $15-$22 a pop) And in the mean time the "guinea pig" fish will suffer.
I am personnally not aware of a test kit that can test for ammonia that will not read ammonia that has been detoxified. The ammonia will still be present , only not toxic.
Good luck....


Thanks again for the input. I'm gonna give the fish to a friend to "borrow" for a bit until the tank is done cycleing. Lets hope the Yankees do better this year!!!!!!


Good decision my friend. I am sure that with your good attitude, and willingness to put the fish's welfare as a priority, you will do very well in this hobby.
And yes, lets hope the Yankees do seal the deal this year...
ever need anythign, dont hesitate to ask or contactt me.