Stupid test kit


I have a red sea marine lab. The nitrites are not reading right!!! Wont hardly change color, hint of blue thats it. The range is a light green to purple purplr being high. Junk test kit or what? I havent had any problems witht the other test readouts. It is frustrating enough with the anticipation of the cycle then not to even be able to know what my water paremeters. Okay maybe a little overreact but worked sucked today, sorry:(


It sucked at work for me today too. Especially the drive. I have the same kit and the nitrites when at zero are blue. Not dark blue, just a medium pale blue. Have I confused you?


No you havent confused me, that is exactly what it is, I mean pale blue, you have to look from the top to really see any blue at all. So it is it safe to say that my trites are at zero? Well thats cool cause they were at .5 everyting else is the same ammonia .25 trates 10low range. Could you tell me from your expierence if your ammonia reads a distinctive yellow when zero. I was just wondering because depending on the light you have to look for the more greenish color, what I am saying it is like a yellow green right now, just want to make sure that I know for a fact that I am reading zero when the time comes. I might have my lfs check just to be sure, the only thing is it is a 1/2 hour away, that wouldnt have any effect on accuracy would it, that was probally a stupid ? but oh well:D


i have a red sea test kits and mines the same way. I can never get the ammonia to read 0 (yellow). It always is a little pale yellow-green. I had my water checked at two lfs and both said my ammonia was zero.

salty rick

My Red Sea is an NO3II kit. It has two ways of checking for the nitrates. One way is slow and accurate and the other is a quick test that is not as accurate. The quick test gives me a good color. The other way to test does not change the color of the water at all. It is clear. This is deffinatly a sucky test kit. Their PO4 and CA tests are okay.
I finally took everyones advice and ordered Salfert kits from this site. Can't wait to get them.


so far I keep on buying the wrong stuff:( I have heard good stuff about the safilert too might just have to ge that next time around, thanks all:)