Stupid things for fish money

Its amazing what i will do to be able to go buy a fish. This is me on a 200 foot tower, on top of a 8 story building. I am putting a wireless bridge to shoot Wi-Fi across town, about 20 miles for the local school board. I did not think it was that far up there, i looked down!!!!!
And heres the guy that was to help me if i get stuck or fall. Ya, right. (hes the little white spot on top of the building)


Active Member
that school district just broadcasts wi-fi? Wouldnt that be fairly easy to hi-jack with some copmuter know how and a 802.11b/g receiver?


i deliver papers every morning come rain snow (occasionally 3 feet high). but the odd times i ust do stupid thing for money like lick spit on the ground run through signs or act extremly stupid in cabs for money. climbing that tower aint bad if u arent afraid of heights. I fear nothing except I HATE spiderwebs.


Active Member
And heres the guy that was to help me if i get stuck or fall. Ya, right. (hes the little white spot on top of the building)
I gotcha .. I gotcha
Now THAT'S funny :D


Thank goodness I've never had to do this in real life. It's nice training for something you hope never happens!
Been out for a while, so i post back now....
Originally posted by aarone
that school district just broadcasts wi-fi? Wouldnt that be fairly easy to hi-jack with some copmuter know how and a 802.11b/g receiver?

U could, if you could crack my 128 bit WEP, and be right in the middle of the "shot". I used some 3com point to points, with a PIX on each end. Stupid thing is, that this was only a temp setup. Just for one 2 week class for some teachers. I have took it down now. BTW, the best people you can have to secure your network, are the ones that can get in to others;)
Later, back to work