Stupidest Thing Your Fish Has Done?


Active Member
Whats the dumbest, funniest thing you've ever seen in your tank?
My two green chromises kept trying to eat their own "mess" over and over and over and over untill they got the hint that it wasn't food.
My hermit crabs keep trying to take over this shell thats covered in yellow button polyps (I think they are yellow buttons, they have a yellow spot in the middle of their tentacles) and a part of a cluster of grown over shells. Then they figure out they can't move anywhere so they get back in their old shell.


Active Member
I honestly think that I am the stupid one. I will never learn that if I "place" a piece of live rock on something and it is not Lawnmower Blennie will knock it over in a matter of minutes. I think they (fish) sit there and wait for my reaction when I notice to rock toppled over, and then swim away high-fiving each other laughing............stupid human.


Active Member
Stupidest thing, my clown fish likes to nip at me when I place my hand in the tank. One day he got me unexpectedly and I jerked my hand kind of fast and smacked the poor little guy. He looked a little stunned for awhile and was swimming a little funny probably wondering what the heck just hit him.
Did he learn a lesson from it? NO. The little guy still nips at me.


Active Member
Well whenever I stick a toothbrush in the tank to clean off the rocks or something my cleaner shrimp come over and start cleaning it. Actually it happens whenever I put anything in there including my hand.


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where do i start lol....
well my blenny likes to sit in my hammer coral, im just waiting for it to eat him one day.... my hermits like to climb up to the very top of my colt corals (like a tree ) and have it fall over... my clown lets me know whos boss of the tank, gets me everytime I put my hand in the tank ...


MY clowns do the same thing, and every night after feeding my lawnmower blenny like to relieve himself on the hermit crabs.:rolleyes:


I had a silver tip shark that kept charging into the glass. He would hit it then swim away from the glass, and charge back into it again. My clown fish try to jump out of the water when the lights go off, I think they are kind of sleeping, but the are bobbing up and out of the water. Maybe my fish are just trying to kill them selves.


Stupidest thing my fish have ever done is jump out of the tank. My poor lawnmower blenny named chomper leaped to his death not to long ago. :(


one of my hermits climbs the silicon seal in the corner of my tank, it takes him hours to reach the surface, yet only a second to decend
also, my blenny sits in my mushroom... can't they sting?


My 6-Line crashes into the Rio powerhead sticker.
My clownfish swam right INTO my siphon when I was cleaning the tank... and half of his body, including head, was stuck into that little hole for at least 15 seconds before I blew him out... and he still tries to go into the tube! Poor guy!
My hermit crab likes playing with my snail, knocking it over again and again....
The CBS attacks everything!
Too many weird animals!

randy 12

We have a tube tank (two 25's attached by two large tubes). I feed on the side without the overflow. The puffer will be on the other side when I feed and he can't figure out to go through one of the tubes. He just gets all excited to eat and keeps bumping into the tank looking at the other side, mouth open wide, trying to figure out why he can't get to the food. I have to put something into the tank to nudge him throug the tube. We've had him for about 4 months now and he still doesn't get it.


You know kev thats strange because I have a LMB named Chomper too. One day I caught him (4.5 inches) put him in the tank and watched his interesting movements. But one day i was put ing a plant in the tank, and the Blenny was circling my hand. He swam off then charged. He came near to my hand then stoped. Then hey jumped and bit my hand. And thats how he got his name. He chases agressive fish too.


My damn yellow tang thinks that he is the king of the tank and when I put my hands in to make sure that my triggers dont steal the sharks food he will point that barb out and start backing up into my hand swinging his tail. He has only caught me once because he gets me when I am making sure that my shark wont mistake my finger for a nice piece of squid. So now when I feel water moving over my hand at a rather fast rate and he gets a nice little smack!


Haha, when I feed my condy anemone,
my strawberry basslet likes to search through
the tenticles almost like an all you can eat
buffet and steal his food.


My Perc in the beginning always slept at the top of the tank. I swear for months she slept there & seem to like it & she was only in there with starter Damsels. So when me & my roommate would come upstairs after lights out & turn on house lights, she would wake up at give a look of displease towards us & thrash around, then go further down into the tank until the lights were out again. We had to put in dimmers & carefully not make it too bright as to disturb her. Later we added another clown & they began to 'pair' off & sleep at the bottom. Now she sleeps in this large empty conch shell & she goes mad whenever you get near it (I thought on more then 1 occasions she had laid eggs).
Now she's all by herself, but she still (thankfully out of my concern for her maintaining a 'normal' pattern) sleeps in the conch shell. She also comes out every time you go upstairs & she sees you almost immediately when you reach the top of the stair case. She remains at there watching us like she greeting or wants some company or is it just she wants to be fed :D I dunno!


Active Member
Well today I come home and go to look at my under water buddies. I notice one of my clownfish is missing. So I look around and finally find him behind the overflow wall. Somehow he got back there. Stupid fish.
Where should I start... I had a beautiful African butterfly fish (fw) who leaped to his death while I was out of town one weekend. We found him dried to the floor, on my birthday of all things (what a way to turn 18!). I also have a turtle my neighbor caught as a baby wandering the streets near Lake Livingston. My neighbor gave him to me and the turtle now loves to cause mischief. In fact, we named him Klunk (his full name is Captain Perklunk) because he gets out of the tank so much and we would always hear a "klunk" noise as he hit the floor. At one time he went missing for a week, only to turn up in my sister's room! There were lots of screams that night. I have a loach that speeds around the tank, like get out of my way, and will knock anything and everything down in his path. Poor Klunk, he was at the top one time and the loach slammed him right to the bottom and kept on going. Klunk always swims very slowly and deliberately to the top with his neck stretched all the way out, like turtle-giraffe, only to fall back down within a second. Needless to say, I have some weird pets. And not just that, my three little kittens, they all run into walls, glass, the tv, fight with mirrors and shadows, rays of sunlight through the curtains... let's not forget why I nicknamed Snow Dust "Kitty Gretzky", because she'll jump up next to one of the tanks and systematically and deliberately isolate each container of fish food from the others and then... WHAP! sends it flying to the floor! SHe does this until the entire area surrounding the fish tank is free of fish food, then she goes over and drinks the water out of the tank. No wonder my water level keeps going down...


i have a big tomato clown that moves my coral all over my tank and my heater is by where he goes at night so when i turn on the actinics towards the end of the night he moves the heater out of the way its funny to watch this happen


I heard a crack one night and got up to find out that my puffer ate the heater and was electrifying the tank. He didnt seem to mind that much. But to match him in stupidity, I stuck my hand in the tank to pull it out, WITHOUT UNPLUGGING IT. I think that was his plan all along. The worst part, neither one of us gained super powers from the incident.