subsitute for southdown sand?


I'm in the Dallas area, and can not get southdown sand.
I'm wanting to change out my crushed coral to sand. I was wondering if thier was a good substitute I could get at the home depot or any where else? I did a serch and some recomended quickcrete, but thier are several different kinds of quickcreate. :confused: Any info would be appriciated.I have a fish only tank right now but looking to get live rock in the future.


I don't know if I would use quickcrete or not. I mean its just regular sand that does not have aragonite in it. The Southdowns does. I would just get some Aragonite sand from your LFS. Or if you can afford LS then get some of it.


I've used silica sandblasting sand with excellent results. It looks good and is inexpensive. I actually prefer it to southdown - and yes I've used both.