Substitutes for kalk powder in a kalk drip?


I know there are cheaper alternatives to buying the expensive kalk powder. I currently have a bottle, and the daily drip certainly makes my inhabitants happier. However, I would like to know a less expensive alternative to the kalk powder to use in a drip. Does anyone know or have any suggestions?


If you do a search here and on some of the other popular forums you can find some info about using pickling lime (from the food industry) which is basically the same and can be purchased in much larger quantities for significantly less. I don't know all the specifics, but a search could help you find people who are currently using this method and help you get pointed in the right direction.


The search was what made me aware that there were alternatives in the first place. Unfortunately, no one gave any sort of specifics on what type/brand, how much, how to mix it, etc. Any help in that direction would be appreciated.


Have you searched on the Reef Central Forums? There are a ton of threads with more specific details as well as several very interesting articles about dripping kalk and alternatives by their resident aquarium chemistry genius. I think the basic idea is that food grade pickling lime is for the most part identical to the kalkwasser purchassed through aquarium supply places. The most important factor is getting pure lime without any additives and then it is mixed the same as kalk powder, until the water is saturated. I don't think I'm allowed to post links to places that sell the stuff out of respect to the people who provide us these forums, but the stuff is pretty common and easily available for much cheaper than kalkwaser powder if you're using it on a regular basis.


Active Member
Mrs. Wage's Pickling Lime.
You can purchase it at the grocery store for a couple of bucks for two pounds or so.
Thank you for contacting Precision Foods, Inc.
Here is the chemical makeup of lime:
Assay Ca(OH)2 95 to 100.5%
Carbonate Passes test
Magnesium & Alkali Salts Less than 4.8%
Floride Less than 50 ppm
Lead Less than 10 ppm
Arsenic Less than 3 ppm
Acid Insoluble Substances Less than 0.5%
Heavy Metals Less than 30 ppm
Precision Foods, Inc.