Substrate change


New Member
I just had a 72 gallon bowfront tank set up about a week ago. My substrate is crushed coral. Today I read a few threads saying that LS/DSB is best. Can I change the subtrate at this point? I currently have damsels in order to cycle the tank. If not now, can I remove the cc and add LS later without dismantleing the whole tank? And lastly, will having a wet/dry filter reduce the amount of maintenance necessary with the cc?
Thanks for the help.


Active Member
It would be best to do the change before your tank gets settled..
You'll do alright with CC as long as you keep up routine maintance on it. ie: Vaccum it every water change.
Live sand is better from the standpoint of filtration, looks and denitrification.


the wet dry is not going to make any difference with the crushed coral. the problem with crushed coral it that all the crap and food gets mixed up in it and you have to constantly keep vacuuming it out. i wish i was in your shoes and had the chance to get rid of my crushed coral before it is too late. there are ways to get it out later, but it is MUCH easier to do it before you have much in your tank. i highly recommend DSB's over crushed coral, far less hassle and many more benefits.


by the way, you dont have to buy all live sand for it. that would be way too expensive. just go to home depot and get a few bags of southdown tropical play sand. its much cheaper, about $3.50 per 50 lb. bag. then all you have to do is buy 10 or 20 lbs of live sand to seed it.


New Member
why is it not necessary to vacuum sand? what is the procedure for making the change after the tank is established?


when you have a well established DSB there will be more than enough critters in there to keep the sand clean. also,the fine particle size of the sand really keeps the food and detrius from getting under the sand. this allows more of the waste to get sucked up by filters instead of rotting in your crushed coral. there are other benefits of sand as well. DSB's over 4" create a low oxygen environment where anaerobic bacteria can live. this type of bacteria will convert nitrate into a gas and it will bubble up out of the sand and out of your aquarium. do a search and you'll find a lot of info.
its a pain to chage later when you have a tank full of fish and or corals. believe me. do it now and you wont regret it.