Originally Posted by BLAZEHOK68
i found that with a cc bottom that my phosphates were through the roof. i think i might have been overfeeding a little bit though too. when i took mine out, i took it all out at once. took all the rock out, drained all the water, then took a shop vac and vaccuumed all the cc out. put the sand back in, put in the rocks and coral, put back all the waterm and did a huge water change just to be safe in case of a cycle. it wasnt to bad either. took about 4 hours or so.
Yes, that can happen with phosphates and nitrates. cc will trap particulate.
The secret is a good clean up crew consisting of hermits and shrimp, and having a good base of critters that live in the cc.
I notice a lot of pods, brsitle worms, mini-starfish (dont know the specific names of them) in the cc, and they seem to do a great job of cleaning it up as well.
I used to vacuum it, I havent in about 6 months now, since I seem to have a good amount of life in it, and the hermits seem to do a great job of cleaning up the top layer.
Now i have almost non existant trates and phos. A good skimmer helps as well, of course.