substrate question


Last night I had to break down my tank to move it and to install a sump that would not fit though the front doors. In the process I decided that I did not like my substrate (I bought the whole setup used) It was a mix of crushed coral and sugar sized sand. After about 3 hrs of filtering my tank had all sugar sized sand and I have close to two full five gallon buckets with crushed coral.
I would like to know if I can use the crushed coral somewhere.
Could I put it in the refugium? I saw some pics online of someone who had one refugium with macro algae for nutrient export another with a 6" DSB and a few pieces of live rock for denitrification. Could I do something like that with the crushed coral. If I went with crushed coral over sugar sized sand in a refugium will I run into any advantages/disadvantages?
I have a bunch of it and I would hate to get rid of it.
Thanks for the help


I wouldn't use the crushed coral for the tank or the refugium, in either place it will trap detritus and contribute to nitrate levels. I wouldn't throw it out, you may find another use for it. You could mix it with cement mix and make rock for your tank, it will eventually become live rock and look just like the real thing. Research this before you do it, look at [ , they call it arragocrete, (they use arragonite and cement) but there is no reason you couldn't use crushed coral. You must cure the new rock for 4-6 weeks under water, Garf says 5 days, but that is not enough. Anyway, enough about that, use sand for the main tank and for the refugium, you'll be glad you did. HTH


Active Member
ummmmmmmmmm, paperweights
you could make rock, just make sure to folllow directions carefully, and be very cautious in curing it! It could be lethal! But, if taken time and done properly, it gives you complete control over size and shapes.


alright well I can see where this thread is going.
Thanks for the suggestions, I was hoping to save money and use it for something. I probably put some of it in nylon bags and put it my sump and the rest will probably be a door stop in a 5 gallon bucket! =)
Thanks again