

New Member
What substrate would you recommend for a 90G fish only tank. I will have a hang on protein skimmer along with an Eheim Pro 2 canister filter with live rock and most likely a single trigger fish and circulating pumps.


IMO, sand is the only proper substrate. You can get just normal aragonite playground sand, and use that as substrate. There's a certain brand people really recommend on this website, but i can't remember the name.
The two types of playground sand is silica and aragonite. Silica is generally bad for fish tanks, although it can be used. The texture of the silica sand allows algae to multiply on it more rapidly, making it more of a nuisance.
A good way to test if the sand is aragonite or silica is by simply using vinegar. You put a small amount of vinegar on the sand. If it bubbles, that means it's aragonite (calcium-based). If it has no reaction, that means it's silica.


and you only want just a single trigger in a 90g tank? Why not add some other agressive fish that'll get along with the trigger? Like a puffer, lionfish, tang...