
aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by nykid4202002
is non live sand bad??? also what is good additaves to use when doin water changes
is not bad, is just not desirable. wait, what type of sand are you talking about
as for additives, NONE. just do water changes, there's no need to alter newly mixed water.


if your talking about dead reef sand you could purchase at most local fish stores then no its not bad. eventually your live rock should "seed" your sand and turn it into live sand. just steer clear of the play sand. unless its southdown(i think thats what its called). and NO addatives. unless you are using tap water (which is not recomended) then you should add stress coat or anything else that gets rid of chlorine....
I started with marine substrate, gray coast. Ordered it online, bought an addative of bacteria and LR. The sand isn't quite sugar sand size, but it is working well and adds a nice contrast. The bacteria addative claims to help start the nitro cycle and my tank has been up and running for some time now with no major problems.