Success with blue and red legged hermits?


Has anyone ever had success with a mix of both? I want to get some blue leg hermits, but have some red legged hermits and snails as well. Probably will end up buying more scarlet hermits, but just was curious.


Ah I didnt realize that scarlets and redlegged were different hermits.
Thanks waterfaller!
Anyone else want to share their experieces?


If for some reason you end up with lots of different types of crabs in your tank (like because you order something on line but you receive something other than what you ordered), just make sure you have lots of empty shells and also lots of rockwork -- and maybe your blues won't find your scarlets or reds.
I have had to pull a blue off a scarlet, though. Pernicious little guy -- he was just sitting on top of the shell of the scarlet, waiting for the scarlet to venture out of its shell -- and then pull him out and eat him, I'm sure!


I have bluelegs and scarlets. I've had the same 5 scarlets with 25+ bluelegs now in a 75g for over a year, without any problem. I do see the bluelegs wrestling each other and occassionally harassing the scarlets, but I've never seen a fatality come of it. I agree that the bluelegs are quite aggressive. They will charge each other and grapple, sometimes knocking each other off of the rocks. All of which makes for good entertainment. :happy:
I probably wouldn't mix scarlets and blue legs of the same size. All of my scarlets are bigger than a large blueleg, I think that due to their passive nature smaller scarlets would not mix well with bluelegs.


New Member
I have about 10 blue leggers, approx 3 scarlets, about 9 zebras and 2 halloween hermits. I haven't had any problems with any of my crabs. I have lots of empty shells and lots of caves and caverns. My tank is 20 gal in size and has been up for 14 months now. JMO


New Member
I have about 20 bluelegs and HAD 10 scarlets, about a week after introducing the scarlets the blue legs had killed them. :eek:


I wouldnt mix bluelegs with scarlets, i woudnt get bluelegs in the first place. I started with 20 scarlets and 10 bluelegs. 4 months later i have 3 scarlets(the biggest ones that i had) and 7 bluelegs. I dont believe that having extra shells will help any because if you do the math, i started with 30 and now have 10, that means 20 extra shells in the tank somewhere, yet even tonight i saw 2 blue legs fighting it out. Bluelegs look nice, but are over aggressive. Scarlets look nice but seem to be lazy to me. I like the baha red legs i have in my 10 gal, they are constantly active. JMO