success with mandarian dragonet


They had lr in there but no other fish- just him. He is now in a cave where I can nto get to him and he is on his side, cant see his mouth but I do see his fron fins move everyonce in awhile. But he is still on side. The lfs where I got him said he might just be stressed and hopefully his tail will uncurl and he will be better in acouple hours. He said to call him back and let him know.
We have one other Lfs and I called them and they said the store shouldnt have sold him to me. She said it sounds like he is to far gone. And will probably pass within the next 24-48 hrs.
She said that I should wait a couple weeks before I get anything else. She said she could order a mandarin in for me and I could pick it up from them the next morning. that way it would go strait from vendor to my tank. Does this sound like it would be ok?
Im still hoping this little guy makes it... Ill keep ya posted


Oh I forgot to tell ya RYKNA Tour madarin is beautiful. Thanks for sharing you pic.
He was in a corner in the tank, but when went to move rock he swam away but not too much trouble getting him.
we did 3+ hours because we were going by's note on acclimation for him. under his discription It said 3+ hours. We dripp acclimated him like this fish reccommends. Are we doing anything wrong?


Active Member
Thankyou, Moby's a cutie.
Sounds like you did every thing fine. Is there any chance that the bucket you use for aclimation got contaminated? I had this happen back when i was still in fresh water. My husband used my tank bucket(in which I kept the fish while cleaning the tank) for a MOP BUCKET!
I had been cleaning maybe 15 min. and went to check on the fish to make sure there were no jumpers, they were all dead.
Hence forth I always rinse everything and add stress and dechlorinator.....

Is the little guy still alive?


Active Member
Do you have a hospital tank????? I just receantly bought a ten gallon tank for this purpose. Hang in there little guy!


No I dont have a hospital tank yet I probably should look into getting one. The bucket we used is only used for our fish. Both myself and husband know that it is fish only, Actually they are kept by the tank.
Do you get your fish from lfs or do you order them off the internet? If so what sites do you use?
Thanks, hopefully my luck gets better


No I dont think so, he hasnt moved from his cave in last 2 hours. I called the lfs where I bought him and he said he could do a partial credit, by replacing him with a gobie or a blennie or something.
What would you suggest? I dont want anything that will eat my pods cause I want to get another mandarin eventually. One suggestion was a firefish gobie what do you think?


Active Member
Hmmmmmmmm......I would either request that they order you another one(which I'm doughting they would do), before jumping for more fish(especially since the last one you purchased is on his way out as we speak) I would use the store credit to get some more live rock, or some type of tanks supplements(DT algae, that will fatten up the pods in preparation for you new madrine) that you need get any way, or a couple of frags of coral. But definately not anything fish wise.
I would go back and check the little he still among the living? :happyfish


definitely dont do internet orders unless its rare or crucial. they can be very sketchy sometimes, unless you canfind a site with a good guarantee... sorry to hear about the manderin it kinda sucks but with lfs you have to observe the fish for a few days/a week before you buy them just to make sure they are healty, and make sure they eat. you want to get your moneys worth. as for manderin, mine turns jet white every morning when i put on the lights at 6 but he's just stressed, it happens, and i thought mine wasnt going to make it either... just keep an eye on him and try to get some copes in there asap. maybe some stress coat wont hurt him either.


Thanks for all the suggestions and help, He is no longer breathing. He was probably to starved when I got him. I believe though that the store wants to replace w/another type of fish, benny goby or something like that. The mgr. I talked to said when I come in we will look at what all they have and what I like and see whats best.
I'll let ya all know what we get. Thanks again


Active Member
I'm so sorry.
If you like, I know where to get some healthy happy mandrines! I was just at my lfs yesterday. They have 3 very spunky mandrines. I would be happy to send you one!!!!

I sorry again about the little guy, unfortunately this is the fate of many mandrines. You did everything right
. I look forward to hearing what the stores gives you.
And let me know if you want me to ick one of the mandrines for you! I would over night it to your house, you could use pay pal if you like. :happyfish


Thanks for the offer. Ill talk to my husband and see what he thinks. How much does your lfs sell them for?
I am going to the store tommarrow and I will let you know what I get.
Thanks again


Active Member
Icalled the store, they said that they are 39.99!!!!!!!!!!!!! They said however that I would have to check on postal laws for shipping state to state.
I have some good news and I have some bad news.
The good news is I found the sailfin tang
the little guy is doing fine. Man pets are as bas as having kids!
Bad news.....there is something very wrong with my beloved pin cushion urchin. Timmy was great 3 days he appeared with a HUGE gare spot on his back.................what happened????? Did something try to eat him???? I don't think there is anything big enough in my tank that could possibly eat him is is the size of a soft ball. If he's sick, should I quaritine him. I have 2 pin c. urchins :help:


Wow I hope hes ok. I dont know much about urchins, maybe check the disease firum on this site a person named beth is normally on there and she seems to know alot about different diseases. I hope he pulls through. Keep me posted.
Thanks for checking on the price of the mandarin but I think I am going to wait a few weeks before I get another. I checked w/ a different fish store in my area and the lady told me she could order one in for me their vendor. She said she would order on a Thursday and I would get on that Friday, That way it wont even hit her tank it would just go straight to mine. That way I know he should be good and healthy from the get go(hopefully). Does this sound like an ok idea?
Thanks again for everything, and let me know how Timmy is doing, and ehat you find out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nctarheels
just thought id let everyone who wants to get a manderin know... if you know what you are doing it is not difficult to keep one. i have had my newer tank set up since may, so 4 months, and i have had a manderin in it for 2, sterile water whatever. its just a matter of staying on top of him and making sure he eats. mine eats daphnia and mysis, i even have him hand trained. so its not impossible to keep one in a tank less than a certain age, just makes it easier to do so with age.
can you feed these guys forzen brine shrimp?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Mine ate them, but there not his favorite. Not all will.
so he lived? the acclimation on these guys are delicate sinnce when they become nervous they release a slime that you can see so i put water in the bag for 5 min then put him in the tank so he dosent drown in his on slime


Active Member
Yep Moby is still alive and well and dining on all the pods in my tank as I type. I was very fortunate that he was willing to eat the frozen food...He was one of the first fish I purchase after my tank cycled. I was not aware of their needs of pods then, I foolishly trusted the fs I went to, Oh they DEFINATELY eat frozen food...... :mad: many mandrines have starved to death because of this.
Moby is one of the lucky ones. Now that I know more I wouldn't recommend this fish to anyone with out a tank that has aged at least 6 mths and has a LS bed of at least 2 inches. And tons of live rocks.
They sure are a beautiful fish.

reef diver

Active Member
I learned an interesting aspect, my lfs always sells mndarins that eat mysis, however, mine only eats it if its sitting on rock, and wigling slightly in the current. I also tuno off my current to ensure that he gets enought to eat. HE also, after 3 weeks of living with me he is still eating pods, however, i know the population has diminished, as i dont see them on my glass much anymnore. I a gonna get a refuge around chritmas, i don't name my fish, i however call my cleaner shrimp the gangstas, and my mandarin th lizard, because he looks like that


Active Member
Cool. When I had fresh water all my fish had names by the end of the firs week. Now with the salt tank, I wait for 2 mths before I allow myself to get attached. so far I have Moby the Goby, Chloe and Nemo(false percs), my 2 gonapora Daisy and Violet, my orange tree sponge- Bob, my 2 urchins-Timmy and Prissy
I just got a sailfin.....and I have to sea stars, one is a brittle and the other a sand tiger, I haven't be able to come up with good names for the stars yet.