success with mandarian dragonet


Hows your urchin doing?
You can always name one star patrick to go w/ bob, from sponge bob.
Just a thought.
getting ready to go get my new fish will let you know what they give me.
Talk soon


Active Member
Timmy will be okay Sadly enough it only took me minutes to recall what probably happened. Urchins are very touchy to ph changes. A day ago I added a concentrated cup full of the kalwassere ph balancer stuff. I poured it in the back left corner....lots of high flow there. Problem is I neglected the fact that area is Timmy's Favorite feeding ground. The poor little guy got doused with the concetrated chalk Ph balance stuff. No wonder his buddy prissy showed no similar signs. Timmy and Prissy are usually on the opposite sides of the tank, by the time the stuff reached the other side of the tank it had be dispersed into the tank. My poor poor little urchin. He should be okay, but it will take a while for his spines to grow back..... Here's a picuter of the 2 they haven't been this close tegether for weeks. I wonder if Prissy senses that Timmy is hurt???


Active Member
Originally Posted by starfish79
Hows your urchin doing?
You can always name one star patrick to go w/ bob, from sponge bob.
Just a thought.
getting ready to go get my new fish will let you know what they give me.
Talk soon
that's a great idea!Ty


Is great to see that lately a lot of people are trying the Mandarines. I love mine. My Fiance bought it for me while I was talking to the store clerke about a recent red slime outbreak on our tank. :jumping:
So it's been there for a week, and I totally daze at it. They have quite the character specially when looking for goodies. I saw it eat Mysis, frozen brine and I don't know what it sees on the rocks. I have lots of copepods so I hope she makes it.
I called it princess but my Fiance is not fond of the name. :notsure:


Hey guys just got back from the lfs and the guy theresuggested a Royal gramma aka fairy basslet. He only gave me 10 dollars back from the mandarin-which really stinks, so I had to pay 10 bucks for him. Hopefully this guy does ok.
I dont think that I will go back there. It seems that everyone you talk to there has a different answer. and according to one guy there they only acclimate there new arrivals for approx 30 min, (floating in bag on top of water) after bag has floated for this time they then dump the fish into to new tank. They dont do drip method or the bag method were you slowly add new water in. I was shocked. I wonder if all lfs are the same way.
I think im going to write the owner and ler him know my feelings.
Will keep you posted on my new guy. if all goes well I will atempt another mandarin in about a week or so from some place else.
Talk soon.


Active Member
I just got back from the lfs too. I was a bad girl
I brought home a sebae anemone, a yellow tang, and 2 emerald crabs.
I can't wait to see a pic of your new fish!
While I was at the store I counted at least 6 mandrines. So if you want me to get you one I be happy to. :happyfish


Thanks, I cant wait to see pics of your new guys either. My new guy seems to be doing good. I think hes found a home already. He has been staying in a cave in the middle of the tank, in and aound it. Kinda neet how fast they can find a home. I think that he is eating as well. After I fed him tonight he was swimming around alot more. He seems to be making him self at home. Im going to try soaking his shrimp in garlic. Let ya know how he likes it. Ill post pics soon, hopefully. Talk to ya soon.


Active Member
Neato!!!! Yeah, I wish i could be content that quick too! My Sebae made itself at home at the base of a rock on the sand bed. The yellow tang peeks out from time to time....the sail fin is still hiding, can't balme the little guy, and the emerald crabs disapeared in the overgrowh of weeds in my tank. Probably thinking "I;m in heaven" One of the little crabs hung out for 20 minutes or so stuffing it's face with greens. It was cute. I've never seen a little crab eat that fast, or that much.
I'm trying a new experiment. i bought some "Sea Monkeys" i.e. brine shrimp from target a few days ago. They are up and smimming now. I plan to put half into my eel tank and the other half into the reef tank. In hopes of having live food availblable. I'm afraid though that many will end up being sucked into the filter.....I suppose, being so tiny they would eventually be pushed through..I 'll have to wait and see.
I'll post pictures latter today.

Oh! I decided to name the sandtiger star Patrick.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TopFins-MJ
Is great to see that lately a lot of people are trying the Mandarines. I love mine. My Fiance bought it for me while I was talking to the store clerke about a recent red slime outbreak on our tank. :jumping:
So it's been there for a week, and I totally daze at it. They have quite the character specially when looking for goodies. I saw it eat Mysis, frozen brine and I don't know what it sees on the rocks. I have lots of copepods so I hope she makes it.
I called it princess but my Fiance is not fond of the name. :notsure:
Neato you got a female!!!!!!!! I've be looking all over for one! I think Princess fits her fine, cause that's just what they act like! Before the reef wrasse problem, Moby was King of the tank....he would posture on rocks and if I would come closer to the tank, he would puff himself out to look bigger, and glare at me. She's looking for more pods on the rocks. My tank has so many they are building villages are the rock frags on the sand bed.
Do you have pic of princess? Love to se her.