Such Thing As Fish-overload?


Today i just picked up two Firefish Gobies. I dripped them and placed them in my main tnk. I was paying very close attion to them at the store for about 20 min B4 buying them. Just to make sure they well and ick free. So now I have:
2 Mandiran
2 Chroms
2 fire Gobies
1 clown
1 Coral Beauty
1 Damsil
Inverts ive got:
1 cleaner shrimp
1 Bule backed Banded Coral Shrimp
1 Emerald Crab
10 hermit Crabs
7 Snails
and I amost forgot
1 Brittle star
all in my 55 Gallon Fish & Reef Tnk.
Am I overloading? any how Im finally satisfied and pleased with what I have.
Please get back to me on my question someone!!:happyfish :D


Active Member
mandarians most likely will die. sorry. Your tank isn't big enough to support a pod population that they need.
You should QT all your fish. Watching them at the store isn't good enough. I've watched fish for over a week and they still developed ich. In my experience, once you put them in QT it takes about a week before you can see the ich.
Most likely your firefish will end up fighting as they don't have enough room to establish territories and stay out of each others way.
Clown and Coral Beauty are good choices, IMO.
Yep, you overloaded. The starting rule is 1 inch of fish per 5 gallons of water.
How long has your tank been set up?


i have a 55 and i have had a mandarin for about 8 months or so... then again i had 3 die on me before. i would suggest just keeping one, unless u have alot of live rock and/or a refugium.I think the damsel is a bad idea though. they fight too much. the firefish shuold be fine as long as they get their own hiding places, again live rock would be best to have for them. firefish was my first real fish to get, and back then i had a little pirate ship. i couldnt take the ship out because he liked it so much that i had to just stack rock on top of it. Just make sure they all have their own part of the tank.


sorry... 2 mandarins die, this is my third mandarin that i have now (this may not have much to do with it but all mine were females)


Ive got about 60 lbs of live rock and my Damsil, well he came with the tank when i bought it off a close buddy of mine. He told me that he hasnt even bothered feeding it for the past 5 months befor I got it. so you see i dont mind keeping him because at the end its all his because hes tuff and he earned it. Did i mention that he was also kept in dark for that time period? My mandarins are male and femal. If it comes to the point, I will go out and buy a bag of pods for them at my local LFS. As regarding my Firefish Gobies they found them selves their own indivageual hiding spots at oppsite sides of the tank. I couldnt help but keep the lights on for at least for 5 min after i put them in. Im going to also buy more LR after i build a proper stand for my tank. Right my tank over hangs about 2 inches on both the front and the back on the stand. I know what im doing I worked as a costom cabinet maker for 3 years doing store fixtures. And yes my Damsil did go after my fire Gobies. Hush dont make a sound, right now i love them all the most because their all sleeping

Is there there anything else I should know? or what else do mandarins feed on that i could also get?


Your right i should have QTed my mandarin. Im seeing white spots on her. Im going to wait one more day just to make certin because it may just be debree from the Live sand hopefully. Ive scared myself in the past like that twice already.

ky reefer

mandarins just take time to have a pod population grow in your tank.

ky reefer

you could keep one in a 29 gallon if you had 70 pounds lr and a refigium that has populated the tank with pods for over 6 mounths minimum. it just needs all those factors


New Member
what kind of mandaran is it because i have two and they both have white spots naturally but they don't stand out that much. You have to look close but it may be the way they are and you never noticed. I have a psycho and green