***** Sucks! Here Is Why!


can i close this thread cause the comments are getting dumber by the post.. i have a preditory fish in a reef enviornment cause ***** mislabled there fish.. 2 FOR 2!!!! no one see a {edit language} problem with that.... fish nuts well all must be.. nut being the operative word!


Staff member
Puff, not wanting to be mean....but it is your responsibility to "know" the fish very well, before you get it. LFS's and ***** can't assume responsibility for making decisions about what goes in to your tank.
Granted, ***** made a mistake, but I can guarantee you that is a common mistake in many pet shops as well as LFS's.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puff_puff_
can i close this thread cause the comments are getting dumber by the post.. i have a preditory fish in a reef enviornment cause ***** mislabled there fish.. 2 FOR 2!!!! no one see a Fing problem with that.... fish nuts well all must be.. nut being the operative word!

But didn't you know what the fish was supposed to look like before you bought it?


Active Member
***** mislabeled the fish...other stores mislabel their fish. This is a learning experience. You've been burned. Don't be burned again, but until you see that, well. After all, fool me once, shame on you...fool me twice...
People actually ARE trying to help you by saying hey, this is par for the course in this hobby. But

And if you are calling me the "queen" well thank you, but please watch your language in my presence.


If a person on a dog forum started a thread complaining that they went to a pet store to buy a great dane and came home with a miniature poodle, people would have a hard time sympathizing, even if the poodle had black and white spots just like a great dane, and the person that sold it to you told you as much
. Why is buying a new fish any different? When a person makes a comittment to a new pet, it is their responsibility to do a little research into it before buying it. Of course, we've all bought fish without reading up on them, and sometimes bad things happen. The best we can do is learn from it and make responsible decisions in the future
. Please don't be offended, this is all just my opinion. The majority of us have horror stories from *****, and have dealt with the frustration, but all we can do is find a better alternative
Now you have a good excuse to check out all the shops in town, which is a good way to spend a Saturday afternoon :joy:


Active Member
Thats because ***** is the Wal-Mart of pet stores. When you go there you arent dealing with the same level of commitment that you might receive from a good LFS. Some of the best stores Ive been to were started by hobbyist like us, not some kid looking for a temporary summer job.


Originally Posted by ophiura
Blueberry, generally.
ever had boysenberry? love that stuff. you gotta try my cows though. i've got a patented BBQ'n method. cows on my grill did not die in vain.

tx reef

Active Member
See, another ***** thread down the drain.
This is why I groan every time I see one. Can someone get in an argument with someone else so this thread can get locked?
Just kidding.


Originally Posted by soto
ever had boysenberry? love that stuff. you gotta try my cows though. i've got a patented BBQ'n method. cows on my grill did not die in vain.

I like the mixed berry where its all kinds of berries mixed up.
***) ***)
I also like popcorn, but not that sweet stuff kettle corn or whatever.


yeah that stuff's only good for the first few handfuls. i'll tell ya what i don't like about popcorn:
those stupid tri-split gift barrells that everybody, EVERYBODY, must get you for christmas. when i get one of these abominations i'm reminded how little the giftgiver really cares about me. wanna tell someone you hate em? get them popcorn. the only thing that's good about those are the tin barrells. once you trash the popcorn, you can use the barrells for storing stuff.


Originally Posted by Phixer
Going by ***** today to pick up a few damsels to cycle my new tank. How many should I use?
5. also, go to a sushi/oyster bar. drink a ton of Saki and then get some oysters and put em in yer tank. they come to life!


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto
5. also, go to a sushi/oyster bar. drink a ton of Saki and then get some oysters and put em in yer tank. they come to life!

5 Damsels to cycle, last time I had to use 8 but only 4 made it.

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by Phixer
Going by ***** today to pick up a few damsels to cycle my new tank. How many should I use?

Depends on the size of tank you have.
If you get a 10 gallon, I would cycle it with 5 damsels, 1 snowflake eel, a clown trigger, and of course, a yellow tang.
After a couple of weeks you could add a panther grouper and then maybe a porcupine puffer to finish it off.
If you want anymore fish, you're probably going to need to upgrade.
Just make sure you run a marineland filter with bio wheel rated for at least a 20 gallon tank.
Hope this helps.
I hope no one takes this seriously. I know you guys won't, but then again, you never know.................