Sudden Illness HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
OK Here are the specs 90 gal tank Marineland C-330 canister filter emperor 400 HOB sieo 1500 gph power head coralife 125 skimmer 4x65 compact live sand bed and about 80lbs LR
livestock- 25-30 blueleg hermits, 3 emerald crabs, 1 sea hare, 10 nas snails, 5 turbo snails and 1 yellow tank, 1 sand anemone
water test with safilert
amn 0
trates 0
trites 0
PH 8.2
Phos 0
sal 1.025
Now The yellow tank is the only fish in the tank and he has been very happy for a couple months always swimming the whole tank and pecking the rocks he got a small patch of something brown at the begining of his dorsal fin noticed it yesterday today when i got home he was hiding in a hole in the liverock and swimming inverted and gasping pretty hard what can I do for him at this point I have him in QT now. and any ideas on what suddenly happened to him?


New Member
unable to get a clear picture of him all are blurry and unable to see his patch of brown


New Member
unable to get a clear picture of him all are blurry and unable to see his patch of brown


New Member
unable to get a clear picture of him all are blurry and unable to see his patch of brown


New Member
my wife took this pic lastnight hope you can see it He has been eating flake food and always pecking the rocks and back glass


I don't see brown other than on your rocks. I don't mean to sound rude, but ALL tangs need an established tank.This tank is clearly new, or at least the rock is. These fish are algae grazers. They spend ther entire day just grazing. This can be supplimented with algae sheets rubberbanded to a rock, but that is not enough to sustain them. How long have you had this tang? What sized tank is this and how long has it been set up?


New Member
This Tank has been set up since september 06 and only had the live rock and cleaning crew in till about 9 weeks ago The Brown in the tank came on after my PH fell and moved a large amount of the sand I was told on here that the tank may go through a mini cycle. About 5 days after the sand setteled the trates climbed to around 20 but quickly dropped with my water changes. It is a 90 gal. The brown on him is hard to see in the pic but it starts at his eye and goes to the start of his dorsal fin. The tank is definitly not new as I have spent much time on here studying and took my time making sure it was right,even though it was very hard to look at this almost lifeless tank for months.


New Member
I dont think so the brown just looks like some fuzz on the flesh he is also not swimming upright


Originally Posted by cjdjok
I dont think so the brown just looks like some fuzz on the flesh he is also not swimming upright
You are absolutely certain on those readings and you have had this fish for awhile? The "Fuzz" I am not very worried about, it is the swimming issue that concerns me. What else has changed in the tank recently? Any fluctuations?


New Member
Yes certin on the readings had the LFS test as well today. Fish died today he was swimming almost upside down and on his side.


New Member
Yes certin on the readings had the LFS test as well today. only the trates climbed slightly after all the sand stirring up came down when water was changed. Fish died today he was swimming almost upside down and on his side.