Sugar in a FOWLR

tang master

Originally Posted by justins13
a little background. i have a 27gal hex tank with a backpack filter/protien skimmer and a canister filter. i have 40lbs livesand (about 3-4 inches), 22lbs of live rock and a ton of flow. i have five damsels: 1 yellowtail, 1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 3stripe and 1 large domino. i also have: 1 false percula, 1 green spotted puffer(1.5inch), 1 small pink tip haitian anemone, 1 abalone, 2 large turbo snails and a swf 55gal reef package.the tank has been up and going for 7 or 8 months now with no major problems. i recently started testing with a better kit for ph, nitrite, nitrate and amonia. everything was perfect except for my nitrates that were through the roof, over 100ppm, probably around 140 or so. i have been doing water changes like crazy for the past 2 weeks and now they are down to around 80-90ppm. could this sugar dosing be the answer i am looking for?
I am in the same senario as him and I am weary about the sugar because I never tryed it and don't want to kill everything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tang Master
I am in the same senario as him and I am weary about the sugar because I never tryed it and don't want to kill everything.
Do you have a good skimmer?
Do you have excessive water movement?
for a 55, you would do 1/4 teaspoon of sugar every other day for the first week, then see where you are. However if you don't have the above 2 things, do not attempt....If your corals show any issues after the first dose, stop dosing and do a water change.
There is a little fluff here, but I would read every post on this thread and do some additional research.