suger to lower nitrates?


I tried adding vodka - may have added too much because my clown was trying to mate w/ my puffer, my anemone kept throwing up, and my damsels were all swimming backwards


Active Member
My tang is wearing a sticker that says:
"Fish of Bill W"
Several fish were seen last night sitting around a torch coral drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes.


Active Member
I read all of the posts and honestly my mind just circles back to one thing, why not just do a water change. If your trates are high, its obviously been a while since your last one (or over stocking over feeding) but your already down on certain elements, your gonna have to do a water change to replace them (you cant supplement for everything) why add stuff that can possibly present future problems. I myself am going to avoid dosing with sugar untill there is a sugar test kit for marine aquaria.... LOL ok the last was a joke.
I'm not critisizing any one who prefers those methods, I am just leery of adding anything I dont have a test kit for in my mad scientist lab.