Suggested Fish?


I have a 120 gal. tank and the levels of everything are fine! The tank is going to be almost 3 months old. Right now I have 4 turbo snails, 1 chocolate chip star, 2 false perc. Clowns, 1 royal gramma, copperbanded butterfly ( I know it's little early for it but my mom surprised me with it and we can't take it back to the store :(, and 3 mollies, acculmated to saltwater! )
any suggestions for next species, the walls of my tank are almost covered in algie I keep wiping it clean.


Get an algea eater, say a..... I dont know look something up on the website. If i think of anything ill tell you. In a couple of months you can get a tang, that eats algea. For now you can get inverts that eat algea off your glass. Mexican turbo snails, highway snails, hermit crabs. Look em up on this site. Sorry i couldnt help with the fish.


Active Member
Lawn mower blenny. If you don't mind having your coraline algea munched on you could get an urchin.
Just a few thoughts, I have both and love them.