Suggestion for next fish?


In a few weeks, or whenever I can get my pH controlled I plan on adding two more fish. I currently have a mated pair of clowns in a 55 gallon and a bunch of snails and all the stuff that lives in a DSB. Any thoughts on what to get next. I want my 5th and final fish to be either a Flame Angel, Coral Beauty, or 6 line wrasse. What should my next set of fish be? I was thinking a pair of gobies with a pistol shrimp, but I am open for suggestions.
PS: Scratch the thing on the 6 Line I just read they eat bristle worms.


Active Member
My vote would be for one of the fairy wrasses once all is stable. I think they're overlooked for both their personality and beauty.
Here's mine:


Active Member
Fairy wrasses. Awesome suggestion.
Orange perc clowns? If you are choosing between a flame and a coral beauty, why not go with the coral beauty if you already have orange clowns? The purple would be striking.


bangaii all the way!!!!! get a pair that would be great!:) or a school of cataline or neon gobies:)


Active Member
Are you looking for color or personality? Reason I ask is I enjoy watching my Lawnmower Blenny... lots of personality. I also enjoy the sixline... sleek swimmer and a pretty fish. They do eat bristle worms as well as many other things off the rocks...


Active Member

Originally posted by jumpfrog
My vote would be for one of the fairy wrasses once all is stable. I think they're overlooked for both their personality and beauty.
Here's mine:

Hi, I bought one that is identical to yours. What is the proper name for this one. I have seen it at one fish store as a blueside wrasse, and another store blue fairy wrasse. Lesley


Active Member
I've always liked royal grammas becuase of their purple and yellow. I think they would be pretty in your 55, too!


We added a scooter blenny to our tank a few weeks ago, and we love it! Its very active, as he is always "scooting" around the tank. I know you didn't ask about this, but you could add a scooter in addition to any of the fish you are asking about. And a scooter bleeny is usually under 10 bucks.


Thanks for all the replies.
The fairy wrasses look great. Do you know if you can keep them in pairs? I would like to get a pair of whatever I get next.
Will firefish gobies pair up with a pistol shrimp?
I had cardinals back in the day. I liked them but am looking for something else.
I am looking for a fish with personality and color. You know the best of both worlds.
The grammas don't look that bad, but like I said earlier I would like to add a pair of whatever I get. However this may not be an option.
I like the look of the blenny but my SO isn't so keen, bummer.
Any other suggestions?


Active Member
If you are looking for a pair, the firefish gobies have my vote. I think their coloring is awesome. I don't know how much of a personality they have though.

kevin j

the red firefish may have no personality but go to a purple firefish and he has all kinds of personality and so colorfull. My vote is for purple firefish.