Suggestion on the new tank setup


New Member
Hi everyone,
I'm new to this message board. Nice to meet you all. I've been thinking of a new 55-75gal tank. And I definitely need some advice. This tank would only have some invertebrates, live rock,and fish. My idea of the equipments I would purchase is as follow:
-- Acrylic tank with Plumbed overflow boxes, and an external wet/dry filter
-- protein skimmer, Red Sea Berlin venturi protein skimmer and Rio 2500 pump
I know I must left out something. Please feel free to give me any suggestions. Thanks a lot~!


welcome to the board!!!!
don't get a rio they are terrible pumps. honestly i would not bother with a wet dry either. you do not really need them if you are going to do a live sand bed (around 4 inches deep) and live rock.
other thing you are missing is lighting.
you lighting choices depend on what you are planning to do with it. if it is just fish you will be fine running Normal output (NO) flourescent bulbs.
you are going to need a return pump
(i would suggest a mag)
another thought is to plan out the kinds of critters you are thinking baout putting in the tank. this will spare you lots of grief as time goes by
good luck
I agree ditch the wet dry Idea !!
If you have L/R you don't need it.
What type of water are you going to use ?
I would suggest a RO/DI unit
This is what you should test in your tank regularly:
You may already know this - just wanted to make sure!


Active Member
von rhavin said it, i would instead build a refugium or sump system out of an old tank or something instead adn mcuh cheaper too(than a wet dry)
welcome aboard, this a great place to be and an eveen greater addiction


Hi..and welcome...Im fairly new to this board too..
READ>>>READ>>>READ........and then read some more...there is SO much to learn..
Rio's are crap..just my 2 cents
I have a Fluval 304
Berlin protien skimmer
Whisper 60 Filter
3 Powerheads
60lbs LS
and the list goes on
GOOD LUCK to you, and everyone here is knowledgeble..You definately came to the right site...
~Susie :rolleyes:


Active Member
Welcome to the board Xa !!!
As usual - excellent advise from many of our members here ;)
I'll just toss in one more idea.
over the 55
If you go with the 55, you'll wish you had selected the 75 gallon unit 10 minutes after setting up the 55. It's true :p
This is called the "I~shoulda~gotta~bigger~tank" syndrome that affects most every hobbyiest at one point or another. Normally this syndrome hit us the hardest after we start adding our sandbeds and live rock. It's an ugly condition we all must get used to ..... and will continue on thoughout our years in this hobby.
It's very common - and there is very little we can do to offset this normal reaction - besides shelling out the upfront bucks first - then unfortunately it will hit us anyways LOL :D
Bigger tanks are most always BETTER IMO !
Seriously ..... I'd strongly consider the 75 over the 55 if you have the room and cash. Same basic length in most cases, just sets a little farther out from the wall into the room.
Again ... welcome and glad you made it !!!!


New Member
WOW~! Thx for all your replys everyone~!
Didnt though I would get that many responses :)
After reading all of your suggestions, its tempting me to get 75gal heehee.
Anyway I went look for a tank today. Have seen a couple that I like. There's only 2 more question that I need to find out. 1. "Reef Ready" tank is that what I should get for my inver and fish? (Yeah, I will put LR and sand) 2. Does the tank need plumbed overflow boxes? (and what do these overflow boxes do?) Thanks for all your time. This board is GREAT~!

david s

if u have the bucs i would go with a drilled and plumbed over flow box if not they sell hand on the back that uses a siphon tube but drilled is better what they do is if u have a wet/dry or a sump under tank they allow water to overflow into the box and return to the sump/wetdry under the tank so u pump water up and it overflows back down


One thing about acrylic tanks is they tend to scratch. This is a big pain about getting acrylic. With really bright lighting, you will be able to see every imperfection on the surface of the tank.
Glass is much heavier, but it doesn't scratch as easy.
I have a wet/dry, and there are many people here with them. I like the idea of having "double filtration" with the wet/dry and 85 lbs of live rock. This is probably not an accurate assumption.
Most people here say if your on the fence between a 75, and a 55 then choose the 75. Just consider the amount of space you will need, and the weight of the aquarium.
If you choose not to do a wet/dry, then definatly do a sump and a refugium. This will add more water to your system, and allow you to hide all the junk for the tank, like the heater, thermometer, skimmer, below the aquarium.
Lastly, even you decide not to have corals right away, (you will want some later), get power compact lights to start. You can goto and get a hood, and lights just about as cheap as standard Normal Output flourescents. This way you will have enough lighting later when you "just want some polups and mushrooms".
Good Luck


Also, Wet Dry really do stink,
I use a thermostat, (I live in Central NY, where ist ALWAYS COLD)
Rio's are really yucky.. and glass might be heavier, but acrylic scratches REAL easy, and has a tendancy to turn yellowish over time.
Also, if your Reefing it..Dont forget to get your additives and test kits, Oh and a test your SG.
Again, welcome and GL
~susie :D