Suggestions 12G Aquapod Corals...


New Member
I am currently cycling my new 12g Aquapod. Id like to make this a lil minireef tank and am curious what corals can be successfully kept in this set up with the stock lights? I was thinking some zoas and mushrooms maybe a sun coral? any suggestions are welcome! Fish wise im looking at bicolor blenny, catalina goby, false perculas. Im figuring on 2-3 fish and my inverts. currently I have 4 blue leg hermits, 1 sally lightfoot crab, and 1 mysterious crab ithink that came in my live rock. I swear i saw him earlier today dime-nickle size but not seen him fully yet.


Active Member
looks good. what you would wanna do is:
*work on your rock work (aquascape)
*take out the sally foot
*move the koralia up and facing towards the middle for the corals
*what are you params at? (just to make sure)
*fish are ok well the ones you want


New Member
PH 8.0 I need to raise it a tinge
KH 240+
NO2 - 0
No3 - 25
The sally lightfoot isnt going to do well in a reef tank? shoot I thought that was one of the ok ones!


Active Member
try get everything to 0. except alk and ph. raise the ph. and i really forgot what the alk needs to be at lol
here sally info:
well what i have read and seen is that some sally eat coral. dont ask me why i just read and saw pics. i was amazed. me to was a owner of a sally. after seeing the pics i didnt like what i saw. i might be wrong. so lets see what others say.
also i read this. When large, it can become aggressive and catch and eat small invertebrates and fish. and mine was a nice big
you cant have that catalina goby because they are a cold water species and will perish in a tropical reef enviorment. i assume this is to be a tropical reef because you said you wanted clownfish and a bicolor blenny.
besides that everything that nissan said is good. btw, what is your temperature and salinity? also, do you use tap water because ro/di is not that expensive and is a much better option.
looks like your off to a great start so good luck.


New Member
salinity is right about 1.022 my temp is holding good at 78. I love the catalina gobys and I didnt realize they were cold water sigh thats ok. I love the Bi color blenny and that will be just as entertaining. I do use tap water but have access to RO and filtered as well and I am planning for my water changes to do RO.


Active Member
any coral but SPS,clams and anemones will be good under stock lighting
+1 on moving the Koralia up.. Look in my thread and see where i got mine


New Member
Got my PH up to 8.5 and my calcium is upwards of 480 :) woot woot!
Nitrite 0 Nitrate <20
Id move the koralia up but its so powerful in my tank it makes it crazy where I have it it has good flow through and circulation through the live rock and then extends through the front of the tank really well.


New Member
I moved the koralia to the back right mid/top of the tank to get a good cross flow...I think it will work out there. We will see more tomorrow. I need to get some more live rock I have 12lbs in there but there are some places that just need to be fleshed out a lil more. I will try to get more pictures this week.