Suggestions: Additions to 75G


75G Fish Only Live Rock.
Current stock:
1 Perc.
1 Flame Angel
1 Hawaiin Blue Puffer
1 Midas Blenny
2 Cleaner Shrimp (I know, the puffer doesn't eat them - I don't know why, but it's great)
I'd like to add something that is:
Colorful, hearty, active
Any favorites? Suggestions very welcome. Thanks.


a tang of some kind maybe. but when they get bigger u will need to provide them with a bigger tank.


yup..yup!!! tangs! different kinds of tangs! but be careful on your combinations. one can't stand the other, and vice versa. depends on the kind... :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
A yellow tang or a kole tang would be ok for a while un til they got bigger. If you don't want to worry about moving them then a wrasse wouls be a good choice.


New Member
I 2nd the wrasse and tang. a nice hippo tang and a red coris wrasse...both very colorful and love to swim. a great addition. plus they're both very peaceful for the most part.


I guess I'm a little timid on the Tangs. I've had a yellow tang that turned out to be a bully, and a hippo tang that continued to get sick. I had to get rid of both in the past.
As far as the wrasses are concerned, are there any colorful ones that stay a reasonable size? I like the lunar wrasse, but it gets huge. I'd like one that won't outgrow the tank in a short amount of time.


I have a 75 galllon tank I'd reccomend some sort of a fairy wrasse.. like a lubbocks fairy wrasse or a long finned fairy wrasse.. They stay small and are very active and bright colored! The only tang for a 75 is a Yellow.. dont listen to the others in the top.. why would you want to deal w/ HAVING to upgrade later.. I would just prefer to get stuff that will be fine in my tank for the long run!


Active Member
Originally Posted by N_Sarno
I have a 75 galllon tank I'd reccomend some sort of a fairy wrasse.. like a lubbocks fairy wrasse or a long finned fairy wrasse.. They stay small and are very active and bright colored! The only tang for a 75 is a Yellow.. dont listen to the others in the top.. why would you want to deal w/ HAVING to upgrade later.. I would just prefer to get stuff that will be fine in my tank for the long run!
Agree...i will add that a clown fairy wrasse is great too...have one in my 75!