Suggestions for a 40 Gal Bowfront


Going to go with just a little bit of live rock, I really am into the beauty of the fish, not the corals although I understand the importance of the live rock.
So far I have:
Yellow Tail Damsel
Royal Gramma
Thinking of adding:
2 Yellow Tangs
3 Firefish
3 Green Chromis
2-3 Blue damsels
1 Fire Angel
Any suggestions, comments, would all be greatly appreciated and TY for replies


OK...I am taking a wild stab at this that you are new, and have done no research...
Here are my suggestions...NO TANGS in a 40G....
Live rock is important for biofiltration, and also for the fish to have places to hide, and to snack off of
after ELIMINATING the tangs from your list, youstill have way too many fish
with the fish you already have, maybe add 2 firefish .....and MAYBE get your clown a buddy


Active Member
I agree with meowzer. NO TANGS in a 40 gal. its way to small.
here is my list
2 clowns
1 royal gramma or dotty back- not both
1 firefish either reg or purple
pygmy angel of some kind.


I am a novice so I am asking every question I can, even if it bothers people
I want to get it right and recently my Domino died and I still feel so sad because I fed them a bit to much, but luckily my friend who is an expert was in town and helped me out. I DON'T WANT TO MAKE MISTAKES!!!
What is the ratio of gallons per fish. I read 1 inch of fish per gallon, ive read 1 inch of fish per 5 gallons.
Thank you for the advice, I will eliminate the Yellow Tangs and yes I did plan on getting my Clown a buddy
I got ripped off on a size of a tank and so I started small to try this out to make sure I can keep fish alive (sadly I lost the domino as mentioned) but then I got a great deal on the 40 Gal Bow.


Most people like to say 1 inch of fish per 10 gallons to be safe (leave room for growth), but most people will go one inch per 5 gallons. But if you're fish start to grow you'll run into problems.
Inverts / coral dont factor into this.


I hate to sound mean...or cold....BUT consider yourself lucky the domino died.....they are people eaters..LOL
ASK anything you want, and you will get good answers here
ALSO......forget the gal to fish really doesn't apply to SW fish


Thanks, so far I have got great answers. Having my friend who is like a GOD of aquariums come back down gives me another person along with this board so I am acting like a sponge reading EVERYTHING and asking when something pops in my head.