Suggestions for a protein skimmer


Any one have any suggestions for a protein skimmer in a 155G reef tank. The skimmer we have is doing it's job, but is only meant for a 75G, we just upgraded from a 40G and have heard a million different opinions on what we should get, so I'm asking here as well, because more often than not, LFS's just tell you to buy what they have in stock, not necessarily what is best for your tank. We don't have many fish now, but do plan on adding more reef safe fish later on, probably a tang or two and a large angel with a bunch of smaller fish such as anthias and chromis.
We'd prefer for the protein skimmer to fit inside the sump which is a 40G.


Not really. That being said, I don't want to spend a million dollars, LOL.
I really just want something that's going to do the job, since we plan on having tangs and angelfish that produce a huge bioload. Preferably something that can go in a larger tank at some point, I hate to keep upgrading and I know eventually we'll have a bigger tank at some point.


Originally Posted by WangoTango
+1. IMO Octopus is one of the best (not rediculously overpriced) brands out there.
+2 I love my octopus skimmer. I have tried more expensive ones that didn't work as well.


Nice setup^^^
Thanks for the suggestions, we were thinking about an Octopus, but just wanted some other ideas. I think that's what we're going to go with, seems like a large majority of people use them and most seem quite happy.


New Member
I bought a vertex IN-250 for my 139 set up. I have been nothing but beyond happy about it. Simple in design, and use. Truly a set and forget unit. Great bang for the buck. I bought mine off of Flea-bay for $210. A lot less expensive that the octo of the same caliber. I had 2 issues: 1, was getting the water level set correctly in the sump, for the skimmer to work properly. And 2, on the pump inlet line, push the inlet-line into where it just enters into the bubble defuser chamber so the water can cyclone correctly.