Suggestions For Easy First Coral


I have a well established 75 gal FOWLR tank, it has 6 coral safe fish and a CUC. I want to start adding a few easy to keep but still cool looking corals. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
BTW water parameters are excellent.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by NJBillyV http:///t/390416/suggestions-for-easy-first-coral#post_3457342
I have a well established 75 gal FOWLR tank, it has 6 coral safe fish and a CUC. I want to start adding a few easy to keep but still cool looking corals. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
BTW water parameters are excellent.
LOL..You can't get away with "water parameters are excellen" those numbers.
Also post info on your lights, because that is the biggest difference between a reef and a FOWLR tank. We can go from there.


Wow you guys are tough!
pH 8.1
Temp ~80
SG 1.024
Amm/Trite 0
Trate 3
calc 420
alk 9
My lighting is a Coralife Lunar Aqualight CF w/ 2 x 65w flor. 2 x 65w Actinics and 4 LED Moonlights.


Well-Known Member
Try some regular shrooms. Stay away from ricordea. Zoas and Xenia would also be good choices. Stay away from anthellia, it will take over your tank.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by NJBillyV http:///t/390416/suggestions-for-easy-first-coral#post_3457355
Wow you guys are tough!
pH 8.1
Temp ~80
SG 1.024
Amm/Trite 0
Trate 3
calc 420
alk 9
My lighting is a Coralife Lunar Aqualight CF w/ 2 x 65w flor. 2 x 65w Actinics and 4 LED Moonlights.
No test for Phosphates?
That leaves the softies... the lights you have will work.

  • Kenya tree

  • Medusa/Xmas tree

  • Mushrooms

  • Some leather coral (check light needs)
    There are some harder to care for corals
    Red Chili
    sun corals
If you check your phosphates and have 0, and upgrade your lights you will be fine for anything but SPS with those numbers.


Hmm... nice easy corals you say? If you want a grassy look on one of your rocks I'd look into Green Star Polyps. For something otherworldly looking, some button polyps, and if you want something that sways in the current, you can't go wrong with a Frogspawn.


I am new to corals as well and have only had mine for a few weeks, Id go with a frogspawn and mushrooms, they seem to be the quickest adjusting corals I bought. Of all the frags I have gotten they seem the most established in the least amount of time which i would assume equates to hardiness. My Kenya seemed a lil picky about lighting had to move him around to get him to open all the way. The zoas seem happy no matter what as well but they are kinda drab in relevance to the shrooms and frog. So basically suggesting a frog and shrooms from one newb to another.


Thanks for the input, I really appreciate it.
I actually just added some shrums, they look great and seem to be doing fine. If things go well I think I may go with a green star polyp next, I have a perfect spot for it and I thinks it's pretty cool when it retracts when a crab walks across it and leaves a path.


Looks like flower and everyone has you covered. I started with mushrooms, zoos, palys and worked my way up.


I would say Xenya's but I cant seen to keep them alive. I think my water is too clean. Kenya tree's are very easy to take care though. They are a good fist coral.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Deton8it http:///t/390416/suggestions-for-easy-first-coral#post_3459407
I would say Xenya's but I cant seen to keep them alive. I think my water is too clean. Kenya tree's are very easy to take care though. They are a good fist coral.
Agreed, Kenya is a great first coral, so are mushrooms. You're right, Xenia likes a little nitrates in the water and lots of light.