Suggestions for my tank, please!


New Member
I've been visiting the message boards for a while now and would appreciate
some of your opinions.
I started a 75g in Sept. (1st time for sw).
Water tests are always good.

Here's what I have so far:
trickle filter(125)
2-900 powerheads
protein skimmer
reg rock-25 lbs
2-percula clowns
2-green chromis
1-brittle star
2-cleaner shrimp
4-turbo snails
8-astrea snails
15-blue leg hermits
What else (fish) :happyfish would be good to add to my tank? :thinking:
Colorful but not real expensive.
Remember, I'm a newbie!!


New Member
I would start out by adding a yellow tang, they make a great addition. I have to false percs and a yellow tang in a 55 gal and they get along perfect.


Active Member
I would look at adding a royal gramma, they are a great colorful fish. what do you have for lighting i would say get your clowns an anemone.


New Member
Just have a regular aquarium light. Its a FOWLR. I'm trying to be careful not to get anything that will eat my shrimp or crabs. I'm really getting attached to the little guys.


Active Member
well i was just saying that you could get an anemone if you had better lighting. A royal gramma would be a nice addition to your tank


New Member
I've been thinking about a Royal Gramma, they sure are pretty. I'm kind of at a loss as to how many fish I can put in. I've been trying to stay with the "smaller" fish.


New Member
Thanks Symon, I'm passing on the tangs. I did get 3 small PJ cardinals yesterday.
I hope that wasn't a mistake. :thinking: My cleaner shrimp are pretty big,
so I hope they get along. Beautiful pic wax32!! And thanks for the welcome!! :cheer:


Active Member
PJ cardinals are pretty fish, they usually do better singly as they fight a bit. Maybe you will be lucky though and have a male/female pair.


New Member
I do like them. The only reason I bought 3 is because the books that I've checked out say to keep them in small groups. (Go figure). They seem to be getting along okay so far. I've been told that my firefish would not get along with a royal gramma if I bought one. Any thoughts on that?


Active Member
The firefish will get along with anyone. The gramma will probably BEAT UP the firefish.