suggestions for my tank


I currently have what I would call a mock reef tank. I have 40 lbs of l/r and l/s on the bottom (not sure how much, but enough that it is about 3 inches deep in 115 gal tank). The rest of my animals are listed down below and I did just add a huge green bubble tip anemone about a week ago. I am not putting any more fish in my tank and am going to go more with the reef tank, but I want to be fully educated before adding more stuff. Does anyone have suggestions on good websites, books, etc that would be good places to start my education? I have been shooting from the hip and reacting to my tank and now I would like to know what I'm getting into before I buy. Thanks!


This board is one of the best. You can ask any question and find answers to just about anything you can think of. Read up on the corals that you plan to keep, lighting requirements. There are a number of good books on the market. Welcome to the hobby and good luck! HTH


Wolffam is right on the money. The more use you make of this board, the more you will learn! Make sure you utilize the Search feature if you want concentrated information about a specific topic.
If you want to invest a few $ in a good book, "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" by Fenner is excellent.
Good luck!


The earlier posts are good. I have one suggestion, if you want a reef you will need good lights. Spend time investigating lighting you will not be able to keep much with NO flo's. You will be able to move into a lot with Power Compacts and VHO. And if you don't want any limitaions you will want to look into Metal halides.


the best thing about this board is that it offers a variety of input. Everyone will tell you what works for them and what dosent. That is the best part. You can learn from others mistakes and maintain your system with the help of people on this board. My tank has been up for a month now and I owe my success to everyone in here. Thank you all for all of your respones. Also try looking at the website <a href="http://www.***********.com" target="_blank">www.***********.com</a> it is great for telling you about corals but bar none this board is the greatest. good luck