Suggestions for new Corals PLEASE


I currently have a 72Bow with a 20g sump/refuge, 4x65w 50/50 Pc's.I have a Toadstool leather,Finger leather and a cabbage leather all which are doing great.Would really like suggestion on what other corals would be good to keep.I also have around 70lbs of LR and a 2-3 inch sandbed.


Thanks for the reply.....I forgot to mention that I also have a nice red mushroom colony and some Zoo's......The Ric;s look cool though.I will have to check on getting some.


Ricordia, zoos, Xenia are great starts, but don't leave out some of the easier LPS like Lobophyllia and Fungia. I like encrusting and purple ribbon gorgonians as well, they seem to do pretty well, and add a bit of upright gemoetry to the tank. Discosomas are cool dudes and new aquarists I know usually have great luck with one SPS, Seriatopora hystrix, the pink birdnest
Avoid Goniporas like the plague unless you want to give them the dirty water and massive quantities of plankton they need to survive. Yes, its the only 'trick' to keeping them alive. My LFS gave me one about 2" and in decline. This was over 3 years ago and it is now about 4 1/2". I set up a spare 6BF eclipse for it, determined to save this poor little colony. I yanked out the eclipse filter and dug up some muddy sand from the bottom of Galveston bay. Added a small power head to keep the bottom kinda stirred up and the thing has grown and prospered. I have it sitting 4 inches from the surface, and 2 inches from the front so you can see it and it gets some light. Of course, you can't see the back glass at all through the soup, but the Goni is a happy camper. Its favorite food (you just know these things) is 'blended to a liquid' crab claw once a week. No one loves it but me...nuff said