Suggestions for New Fish


Active Member
Ok, i currently have an established 55 gallon reef. right now it only has a pair or tomato clowns and a yellow tang. its looking pretty empty so im gonna get a new fish, but im not sure what kind. any suggestions? oh, and these fish have been in there for a long time. i was thinking maybe a diamond goby and something else? maybe something blue. thought about the flame angel, but i heard they could sometimes eat corals


if ur tank is established with an excellent supply of pods, a mandarin would be a great addition


Yeah...look at a wrasse. They are some of the neatest fish around. They've got different body shapes and talk about color! Yeap, some nice color on them.
Though, remember to ask if it's reef safe. Some definately aren't.


six-line or 12-line wrasses are reef safe and very colorful. Christmas wrasse is also a great color addition. Wrasses can be difficult to add. I have tried 6-line 2x, first time it just disappeared, the second, it died in the bag before I got to acclimate it. I think my pygmy angel scared it and it had a heart attack.
I do have a mandarin dragonet. If you get one, get more LR and maybe create a sump where pods can reproduce without predators. The mandarin is a great fish. I've only had mine 2 weeks, but he's doing well and I'm going to add a sump to keep up with his pod consumption. I'm also going to try and teach him to eat pellets and frozen food.
Good luck. Just remember if you get a dwarf angel for color, add it last. I think they tend to be more aggressive and develop that territoriality quite rapidly.


I personally like the Scott's Fairy Wrasse or the Peppermint Hogfish, but these fish will cost you a pretty penny. But it's up to you, wrasses are great because they are always swimming around, mandarins are really exciting to watch(if you can find them). Another thing is I would get the mandarin at your LFS and see if they have any females because then eventually down the road you could add a male and they will spawn.


Active Member
ok thanx guys, i think il go with a wrasse of somesort. what about a green bird wrasse? or do they need huge tanks


I don't know about that wrasse, but out store has a green wrasse that is supposed to be okay. See if you can find a possium wrasse, it wasn't to expensive and was reef safe. The face on them are really cool!
I also like the six line wrasse. Lost mine though, I think it ate all my brissle worms and flat worms and then starved. I could have sworn it was eatting mysian though.