Suggestions for new, small fish


My tank is pretty much at the comfortable capacity that I was aiming for, but I have been itching for a new fish. Most of my fish hang out in the mid to upper parts of the tank.. so I would like to get a cool, small fish, that hangs around the bottom. My tank is a Fish Only, with Live Rock and Live Sand. Would like to hear your guys suggestions! Thanks


94 gallon corner. I have a clown, a blue hippo, and a longnose butterfly. Plus 2 gobies... a neon and a clown goby


Active Member
Parapercis schauinslandi <google images of this fish, it spends most of its time near the bottom but bips around the tank too.

blue oasis

I have a dragon Wrasse and he always swims at the bottom of my tank. The only thing I would warn you about is when they go to bed they bury themselfs under the sand spreading the sand around. This is good for the sand to get some filtration in it but may make sand uneven. He has been in my tank for about 2 or 3 months and I only had to fix the sand about once a week when I do a water change.


Our bicolor blenny stays around the bottom most of the time. Plus it's one of my favorite fish to watch.


We just added a Geometric Pygmy Hawk about two weeks ago. So far he hangs out in the rocks or on the bottom.