Suggestions for next invert.


I need suggestions for a new invert to add to my tank , i currently have 7 nassasius snails, 3 zebra hermits, 3 blue legges hermits, 2 scarlet hermits, and 4 nerite snails and 2 decorator crabs( soon to be traded.) Whats a good community invert that would be a nice addition. Tank is 30 gallons.


Active Member
Originally Posted by joe____17
I need suggestions for a new invert to add to my tank , i currently have 7 nassasius snails, 3 zebra hermits, 3 blue legges hermits, 2 scarlet hermits, and 4 nerite snails and 2 decorator crabs( soon to be traded.) Whats a good community invert that would be a nice addition. Tank is 30 gallons.
A shrimp.
Harlequin Shrimp, a.k.a. Clown Shrimp, are cool.


Originally Posted by socal57che
Well, that would have been nice to know.
even if you didn't know, he still wouldn't be able to get 1 unless he was willing to buy starfishes regularly to keep it alive.
Maybe that would have been nice for HIM to know.
joe, maybe an emerald crab. I agree w/ the cleaner too. or fire shrimp (not sure if that's what invertcrazy is talking about though). If it is, then yea they are really nice.


Active Member
Originally Posted by woody189
even if you didn't know, he still wouldn't be able to get 1 unless he was willing to buy starfishes regularly to keep it alive.
Maybe that would have been nice for HIM to know.
He asked for an invert...I gave him an invert. He rejected it due to compatibility that he neglected to include. I stand by my recommendation. Sea feed to the harlequin shrimp. Maybe I'll just keep my opinions to myself.


Originally Posted by socal57che
He asked for an invert...I gave him an invert. He rejected it due to compatibility that he neglected to include. I stand by my recommendation. Sea feed to the harlequin shrimp. Maybe I'll just keep my opinions to myself.
yea, and you neglected to inlude information that the shrimp has a very unique diet that anyone considering purchasing one should know. thats all i'm sayin.
Thats like someone asking what fish should i get next and you reply "moorish idol" failing to mention that it's probably one of the hardest fish possilbe to keep.


Active Member

Originally Posted by woody189
yea, and you neglected to inlude information that the shrimp has a very unique diet that anyone considering purchasing one should know. thats all i'm sayin.
Thats like someone asking what fish should i get next and you reply "moorish idol" failing to mention that it's probably one of the hardest fish possilbe to keep.
So now it's my
job to recommend AND research his
I think the OP took this better than you, sir.


Active Member
As far as shrimp go, if you go with the skunk cleaner you'd probably see him a lot more than a fire shrimp or CB or peppermint. The skunk cleaner would be my choice.


People pleease no fighting. Yes i neglected to tell what i originally had in my tank, my bad. All good suggestions.
I say cleaner shrimp! I can always see mine! My peppermint is always hidden. I think I've seen him maybe three times in a month. And thats looking for him!
Get u a nice large feather duster!


I was thinking about feather duster too actually, got one a year ago, put it in my tank and then poof! Never saw it. Its tube was completely hollow.


ok... I'm done.
Feather duster is a good one. I've never had any luck w/ them though. I dont' think they're supposed to be all that hard though.
My blood shrimp was the 1st I added. He hid a lot like jackri said, but once I added a skunk cleaner, the blood started coming out. THe cleaner died a long time ago, but the blood shrimp is still always out (by out, i mean visible). I never have to look for him, he usually hangs upside down on the rocks.
I vote for the blood and a cleaner. they never fought by the way and the blood was much bigger. He did bully him around though.


Originally Posted by woody189
. I agree w/ the cleaner too. or fire shrimp (not sure if that's what invertcrazy is talking about though). If it is, then yea they are really nice.
Yes that is what I meant. I've seen them called blood shrimp-flame shrimp and fire shrimp. All the same I think. They are a cleaner too, as the one I have in my 55 clean my bicolor angel all the time. Cool to watch. As stated earlier I also have 3 in my 30 and they are out all the time.