suggestions light

tanks alot

i got a 29 gallon tank from funkyman today. i need some help i want it to be a reef tank but the only lights that i found that were 30" are the Coralife 130watts so thats only 4.48watts per gallon. that not enough for most coral only lower light corals so any other options


Active Member
id imagine thats plenty for softies and LPS.
You could maybe go with a single 250w MH pendant maybe..probably only cost a slight bit more then that PC fixture. Then that would be plenty light for whatever. or maybe a 4bulb T5HO retro


Why is it that there are hardly any light fixtures that come in 30"? 20L and 29 are pretty common tanks, you'd think there would be a better selection. It's just something that's always made me mad because it seems like I've always had 30" tanks. That being said, get a 30" 150W Current Sunpod MH. They might even have the 30" in 250W now. I bought one for my 29 gal. and love it. Now I have a 30" Oceanic 50 gal. and moved the Sunpod onto that. Looks great on that tank too. Fairly inexpensive for a MH fixture and it's good quality. I've had mine over a year and have had no problems.