Suggestions needed!


Been MIA for a few years, and had to sell our set up a couple of years ago. We greatly miss it, and now we are tossing the idea around about starting another reef tank. We currently have a big bar that divides the kitchen from the living room. Thinking about tearing it out since it just collects junk, and setting up between a 200-300 gallon tank to divide the rooms. I would like to actually have the tank open on 3 sides since the front door opens up right at the end of the bar. We have 6-8 foot length that we can do, 36 inches maximum width, and between 30-36 inches tall is as tall as we want. With those diminsions, how would you set up your tank?
Best placement for overflow? Acrylic or glass? Lighting, ect.? Lot of new stuff out there that we are not up to date on
. Suggestions on who to have build the tank even...never knew there was so many places.
Any help on who, how, and what you would use would be appreciated!
Thanks in advance!


Come on...I know a lot of you guys have some great ideas on design & equipment.
Should I go with an island overflow or just at one end?
Do you guys think led's are worth it, or should I stick with the plain metal halide?
I think I've decided to go acrylic, and would like to hear about others personal experience with it.
Any help? Just think about what you would want for a nice reef system!

sign guy

Active Member
sounds like a 300 would fit nice with a end overflow. Id go glass for price alone. a glass 300 can be found for 1200 were as a acrylic are around 5k. do you have room under the cabnet for a sump?
btw welcome back we need all the nerds we can get


Yeah we'll have room underneath and beside it for the extra's. We plan on tearing the bar completly out, beefing up the floor, build our own stand, and trim it out where it all looks built in with cabinets underneath, ect.
We really miss our tanks, and so greatly want to get another one. Just need to get everything planned & priced instead of just jumping in a buying.

sign guy

Active Member
well im planning a 300 myself so ill give you a quick run down of what all im collecting
in between an aga or a glasscages 300 gal tank
125 aga sump
mrc mr2 dule beckett recirculating skimmer ran with a blueline intake pump and a mag7 reciculating pump
4 400 watt MH xm 10000k bulbs
2 duel 400 w pfo ballest
10 48 inch T5;s true antic
coralife 36 watt uv sterilizer w mag 5
500 lb lr
unsure on sand
2 mag 36's for return pumps
2 wave2k's
still up in the air about a cal reator


Sounds like you are working on a nice setup!
I'm still having major issues with the tank. Yes, glass is cheaper and doesn't scratch as easy...major pros, but I'm worried about the durability with 3 little boys and flying objects...not to mention the weight. Pros and cons both ways...hard to decide.
As for the rest, I want it to be set up so there is very little to maintain and little guess work. Most likely will go for a cal reactor. Still studying on the rest.
Thanks for the info!