suggestions on 125


New Member
i am thinking of setting up a 125 for sps and i wouldlike to now a few things.
1.what lights?
2.what filtration?
3. what skimmer?
you get my point, i would like you to answer the simple questios for me if you would.
if any of you have a 125 or high can i see your pictures please.

nm reef

Active Member
Yikes...thats a open question....I plan on a 150 in the near future and the options on lighting/circulation/filtration are limitless.
For lighting I plan a combination of VHO super actinics(4x110's) with either 2x250 MH's or 2x400 MH's(10k lamps in either)...I currently run a Magdrive 1200 return with Lifereef overflows...on the 150 I'll likely add a second magdrive 1200 and add additional returns...may even have built in overflows on the new system(I do try to maintain 10-15 times the volume in turn over). My skimmer in a euroreef CS6-2....I plan to continue using it. That covers the basics .... but like I said the options are un-limited....:cool:


New Member
if atall possable i only want to see the overflows.
so i dont want a 6'
so do you now of any web sites that will have the mh light setup?
thanx you much!


New Member
thanx for the imput.
so if a 125 is to skinny what would be good?
i am only 15, i dont want to be getting into 3000-4000.
i work at my LFS so i get some discount but ow does this sound?
2-mh pendents 175watt.
1-mh full hood system. 2-175 watt and 110 vho bulbs
this should fit.


New Member
i can get the money no problem.
you said "Are you talking dollars or tank size?"
you new what i ment!
my dad is in telecomunications and the guy he does buisness with owns my LFS i get a deal on my fish tanks.
i wanted your opinion on the fish tanks and you made a smart a** remark.
i may of taken this the wrong way tell me is i did.


New Member
what do you guys think of aqualine lights?
and what do you think of the euro-reef cr6-2 skimmer?


Just my opinion but ....
I certainly think you took it the wrong way! Golf has never been anything but helpful to all here and I think he was *trying* to be helpful to you also. It was a legit question, there are people out there with 3-4K Gallon tanks and there are people out there with 3-4K dollar tanks (LOL AND BELIEVE ME THAT'S EASY) so he was asking you what you meant. Furthermore he posted some tank sizes he felt more appropriate.
As I said, just my opinion.


New Member
yeah i do think that i took wrong.
so what do you think about the lights and skimmer that i posted


I see a lot of suggestions for the lighting which I think is great. Can anyone explain the parameters they are using to determine the lighting needs.
I've just bought a tank that is 61" L x 31" W x 32" H and am trying to determine the parameters for how much lighting I will need.
I'd appreciate any and all input.


New Member
get halides and go for intensity not watts per gallon
watt per gallon was good in the 80s i guess i wasnt born:p