Suggestions on a 4 gal


Active Member
i'm going to be getting a tru vu 4 gallon nano cube on wednesday
any suggestions on what i should go with
i was thinking mantis?
any suggestions would be great
i haven't decided what i'm going to do


i personally think mantis shrimps are the ugliest creatures in the world of saltwater aquariums
i would go with a clown or royal gramma
how much was the cube? does it have filtration and lights?


Active Member
yeah the filtration is built in the back
no light came with it
i was thinking a bunch of zoas and a "

" clown and a watchman goby


clown? whats that
i like the watchmans
i dont think that you should put more than one fish in that tank unless its a clown goby or something really small
i would get some corals if the lighting can handle them


Active Member
yeah im thinking that by itself
since my family think a four gallon with a mantis is a wast of a tank


What species of clown? Nevermind doesn't really matter. A 4 Gallon is too small for a clown. Go with a clown goby, a greenbanded goby, neon goby, or barnacle blenny.

the j.o.p.

i setting up a 3gal. now. mainly for frags of coral. i'm thinking of getting the panda. 4 gal. isn't enough for a mantis. most need 15 to 20 gal.


Active Member
yeah maybe thats what im going to do
a panda goby and just some corals
whats the filtration going to be on yours
do you have any pics?


Active Member
clown or a really small goby. Firefish, high fin red banded goby. those are colorful and only need a 10 gallon tank. its better to get these guys instead getting a tang or angel like other people


whats up SIN.. im actually doing a 3g.. right now.. i started last week.. i was thinking of some corals and maybe a fish... panda or clown goby.. if you go for a panda let me know where you got it from because i have been looking and know one has any around here...

sorry to rain on your thread.. just wanted to show you mine


Originally Posted by fishyapol
whats up SIN.. im actually doing a 3g.. right now.. i started last week.. i was thinking of some corals and maybe a fish... panda or clown goby.. if you go for a panda let me know where you got it from because i have been looking and know one has any around here...

sorry to rain on your thread.. just wanted to show you mine

Email me and ill give you a site that sells them.