Suggestions on a Predator Tank


New Member
Hey, I am cycling a 75 gallon tank, and I am trying to decide what to put in it.
I originally wanted a Moray eel, Radiata Lionfish, and a Panther Grouper. Although, I am living alone and my parents do not want me having a Lionfish there since I am alone and have react very badly to many allergies. I know how bold Lionfish are as I've had them to the back, and a human hand to them means food is coming.
Can anyone suggest anything else I could place in the tank that would work well with a larger sized moray and a panther grouper. Preferably something that would eat feeder goldfish as well, but not necessarily. Any kinds of sharks or larger fish. Not sure if I want a trigger or puffer in the tank. Maybe a nice trigger fish if anyone has suggestions on something large enough to not be bothered by the eel and the Panther.
In my old tank years ago, somehow my goldentail Eel ate my typical Lionfish which was about fist sized... I don't know how... lol!
Thanks for the help! Also any suggestions on what type of eel
Oh P.S. no little ribbon eels or dragon eels, a good sized moray, try to steer from suggesting gentle fish. Something that fits the tank, a small shark would be nice.


There arnt alot of fish suitable for a 75g tank. I would pass on the panther grouper. As for eels, once grown, a snowflake or zebra eel would fill the tank nicely. Believe me, they are BIG and aggressive when full grown, despite being the smallest and most peaceful moray species. As for the lion, they are VERY safe, and with a moray in the tank, especially if you end up with one of the more aggressive types, your hand wont be in the tank long enough to get stung by no lionfish, that will be the least of your worries!


Active Member
Originally Posted by M5Beast
Oh P.S. no little ribbon eels or dragon eels, a good sized moray, try to steer from suggesting gentle fish. Something that fits the tank, a small shark would be nice.
there is no shark in the world that would fit in a 75. as for anything that will eat feeder goldfish alot of things will, but its EXTREMELY unhealthy for the fish. as said not many things will fit in a 75, but id stick w/ ur original list except instead of the panther i would go w/ a red diana or lyretail hogfish, and for a moray id go w/ a jeweled, snowflake, or ghost. PS dragons aint little, they need a tank bigger than urs. oh and jon a zebra would be to big for his tank


Originally Posted by M5Beast
Oh P.S. no little ribbon eels or dragon eels, a good sized moray, try to steer from suggesting gentle fish. Something that fits the tank, a small shark would be nice.
neither of those eels are small and as sharkboy said no sharks
I wouldnt do a Zebra either Jon, i think they grow to 5 feet, :thinking:
If you are not going to upgrade then look at hamlets, large clowns, small lions and toby puffers


You could go for a banana eel, though they are a little pricey. Some of the smaller puffers would work also. Neither of these are overly aggressive, but you can't be too picky with a 75.


It was still alive when I moved from NC to San Diego and had to sell my tanks. I just bought a new tank that I'll be setting up soon. I doubt I'll get another ribbon eel though, they are a full time job.