suggestions on buy a UV sterilizer


I have a 220 gal fish only tank. what uv sterilizer would you recommend buying.

I also have a 40 gal sump underneath

al mc

Active Member
On my FOWLR tank I usea coralife unit and have been happy with it. If you are going to make the 220g a reef you need to consider both the pros (might decrease pathogens) to cons (will decrease other beneficial 'live' things) before you buy.

al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by drtash
what do you think about Turbo Twist 12x 36W UV Sterilizer
I have not personally used that one. I believe that they all work, as advertised, as long as you keep the flow of water through them at the rate suggested by the manufacturer to insure that it will kill the 'bugs'.