Suggestions on corals!


New Member
I am an 18 year old hobbyist and have been for about 4 years, off and on. I recently have a 30 gallon reef tank with an open brain coral, brown polyps, yellow polyps, mushroom polyps, and a staghorn along with about 15 lbs. of live rock. My question is: When I first started my aquarium I bought three starter damsel fish, a three-stripe, a domino, and a yellow one. The domino has since been killed by the yellow one, who seems to be much more aggressive than both of them. He will constantly chase the three-stripe around the tank. The three stripe stays towards the top of the tank for most of the day. Is there any other fish I can get to "put him in his place"? Or will he continue to be aggressive to any fish I put in there?
I am not quite sure what you could do, because my domino killed my yello-blue damsel, so it looks like we have the opposite problem. You might try moving some rock around to make them worried about that istead of each other, or you can try seeeing if getting a bigger sized fish might intemidate you damsel. Hope everything turns our okay!